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单词 please
please/pli:z/ v [-s / ɪz/;-d,-d /d/;-eing / ɪ ŋ/]; interj

v (1)使高兴(欢喜,满意) (make happy; give pleasure happiness satisfaction etc to) [T+n]: It is hard to~all. 难以做到让大家都满意。She is very difficult to~. 很难让她高兴。It~s me to read poetry. 读诗使我愉悦。Our host's warm welcome~d us. 东道主热情的欢迎使我们很高兴。To~him, I began to learn Latin. 为了使他高兴,我开始学习拉丁语。be eager/anxious to~sb 急于取悦某人;〖同〗delight,satisfy,amuse;〖反〗displease,dissatisfy,anger,annoy;

(2)认为合适,喜欢(think appropriate; choose; like) [I](用于以as或what开始的从句中): He can stay as long as he~s. 他喜欢待多久就可以待多久。You can take as much/many as you~. 你喜欢拿多少就拿多少。You can do/behave/live as you~. 你想怎么干/表现/生活都行。Do what you~. 你想干什么就干什么吧。The income allows her to live as she~s. 那份收入可以使她按自己喜欢的方式生活。〖同〗like,desire,want,prefer;

if you please 1)请(用于礼貌的请求): Come this way, if you~. 请这边走。If you~, Dr Jones, a word with you. 琼斯博士,能跟您说句话吗?2)你看怪不怪,竟然(用于表示惊讶、愤慨的感叹句): She says the water isn't hot enough, if you~! 她说水不够热,你说怪不怪!

please God 我真希望,如果可能(幸运): P~God, things will start to improve soon. 我真希望情况马上会好转。

please yourself 你愿意怎样就怎样,随你便: “Do you mind if I wait?” I asked. He shrugged, “P~yourself.” “我等着你不介意吧?”我问。他耸了耸肩膀说:“请便。”

→pleased adj 高兴的,喜欢的,满意的;′pleasing adj 使人愉快的;′pleasingly adv 使人愉快地;′displease vt 使不高兴;′pleasure n;

interj(1)1)请(用于礼貌的请求) (used to make a polite request): P~sit down (Sit down,~.) 请坐。A cup of coffee,~. 请来杯咖啡。Would you sign your name here,~! 请您在这里签上名字!2)请(用于强调请求或引起某人注意) (used to give force to a request or attract sb's attention): P~, ~don't say it any more. 请不要再说了。P~, sir, I don't understand! 先生,我不懂!

(2)请,好(用于接受请求) (used to accept sth politely): “Would you like some tea?” “Yes,~.” “来点茶好吗?”“好吧。”





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