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单词 air
air/eǝ(r), AmE er/ nv [-ing /rɪ ŋ/]

n(1)空气(mixture of gases surrounding the earth and breathed by all land animals and plants)[U]:let in/go out for/breathe some fresh~放进/出去呼吸/呼吸些新鲜空气;a breath of fresh~一口新鲜空气;take a gulp of~吸一大口空气;Mountain~is pure.山区的空气纯净。The~was heavy with perfume of flowers.空气中花香浓郁。The~smelled of paint.空气中有油漆味。disappear into the~完全消失;clear the~ 换换空气;消除误解(怀疑);an~bath/stream/current/pump/raid/brake/tempera-ture/bubble/hammer空气浴/气流/气流/气泵/空袭/空气制动闸/空气温度/汽泡/汽锤;

(2)天空(open space above the earth;the sky)[U]:jump high into the~跳得很高;in the open~ 在露天地里;in the~在空中;castle in the~空中楼阁;lie with one's foot in the~翘着一只脚躺着;The music/smell of smoke filled the~.音乐/烟味充满空间。a photograph taken from the~从空中拍的照片;The~was full of butterflies.空中到处是蝴蝶。Birds fly through the~.鸟在空中飞翔。The glider soared high in the~.滑翔机飞入高空。be clear visible from the~从空中清晰可见;with one's nose in the~ 高傲地;

(3)空中,航空(the sky as sth through which to fly)[U]:go/travel/arrive/send a letter/ship goods by~乘飞机/坐飞机旅行/乘飞机到达/寄航空信/空运货物;fare by~空运(机票)费;be on/off the~在广播/停播;~travel/letters/hostesses/transport/traffic/traffic control/terminals/battles/defence/forces/bases/alarms/freight/speed 空中旅行/航空信/空姐/空运/空中交通/空中交通管制/航空站/空战/空防/空军/空军基地/空袭警报/空运货物/空速;

(4)微风(gentle wind;breeze)[C]:Cold~blew in through the open window.冷风从敞着的窗户刮进来。〖同〗wind,breeze,blast;

(5)印象,样子,神气,气氛(general impression given;general look or appearance of sth/sb;manner)[C]:There was an~of excitement in the room.房间里气氛显得激动。The house had an~of neglect/mystery.那房子显得无人照料/神秘兮兮的样子。He has an~of importance/sadness/anxiety. 他神气高傲/样子忧郁/神情焦虑;have a dignified~神态庄严;have an old-fashioned~外表守旧;walk/smile with an~神气地走/微笑;smile with a triumphant/haughty ~带着得意/傲慢的神气微笑;take on the~of festivity显出节庆的气氛;Don't put on~s with me! 别跟我摆架子!She gives herself such an~that everyone dislikes her.她装腔作势,人人都讨厌她。〖同〗atmosphere,manner,look;

(6)曲调,旋律(that part of a piece of music that is easily recognized or remembered;tune)[C]:sing (whistle) a delightful/popular~唱(用口哨吹出)快活/流行的调子;play a simple~on the piano在钢琴上弹奏一支简单的曲子;In music,the~is the leading part.音乐中旋律是核心。〖同〗tune,song;

in the air 1)流(谣)传:There are rumours in the~that...有谣传说…… It's in the~that they may get married.传说他们可能要结婚。2)未确定,不肯定:The whole plan is still up in the~.整个计划还很渺茫。

→′airy adj 新鲜空气充裕的;轻如空气的;空洞的;无忧无虑的;′airily adv 无忧无虑地;͵airy-′fairy adj不切实际的;′airless adj 无充裕新鲜空气的;无风(平静)的;′airbed n 充气床垫;′air-brush n 喷枪;′airbus n 空中公共汽车;′air-conditioning n 空调;′air-conditioned adj 装有空调的;′air-conditioner n 空调器;′air-cooled adj 空气冷却的;′air-cushion n 气垫;′aircraft,′airplane (AmE)n 飞机;′aircrew n 机组人员;′airfield n 机场;′airgun n 汽枪;′airlift n (给养及部队的)空运;′airline n 航空公司;′airliner n 班机;′airmail n 航空邮件;vt 航空邮寄;′airman n 机组人员;′airport n 机场;′airship n 飞艇;′airsick adj 晕机的;′airsickness n 晕机;′airspace n 领空;′airstrip n 飞机跑道;′airtight adj 密闭的 ;͵air-to-′air n 空对空的;′air-waves n 无线电波;′airway n 通风道;′airwoman n 女机组人员′airworthy adj 适航的;

v(1)晾晒((cause to)become dry in a warm place or the open air)[T+nI]:The blankets were~d on the line.毯子晾在绳子上。~linen/a sheet 晾日用织品/床单;

(2)换空气((cause to)become fresh by letting in air)[T+nI]:~rooms by opening the windows 开窗给房间换换空气;The dormitory was~ed in the morning.宿舍在早晨通风换气了。

(3)发表,炫耀(make known to others one's opinionsideascomplaintsetc publicly or in a noisy manner)[T+n]:I have no wish to~the matter.我不想公开谈论这件事。~one's views/one's opinions/one's troubles/one's grievances/one's indignation (to others)(向别人)发表观点/发表意见/诉说苦恼/诉说不满/诉说愤慨;love to~one's knowledge 喜欢炫耀知识;〖同〗voice,declare;

→ ′airing n 烘(晾,晒)干;换空气;

【辨异】 1)airwind1blast breeze 都指“风”。air指轻柔的风,是文学用语;wind(风)指各种各样的风,是通用词;breeze(微风)指轻柔舒适的风,不冷也不热;blast(阵风,疾风)指短促猛烈的风,常常是冷的;还有gust(阵风,疾风)也指短促猛烈的风。2)airmanner都可指人的神情和行为。air指表现出来的特别的样子,如:an air of martyrdom(一副殉道的神气);manner(态度)指特别的行为方式,或与他人的交往态度,如:a gracious manner(亲切的态度);还有bearing(举止仪态)尤其指举手、移步、身板等姿态,如:a noble bearing(高雅的仪态)。





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