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单词 all
all/ ɔ:l/ det, pron & adv

det(1)所有的(the full number of;every one of)(接pl n;接pl v;n 前可有the、 these、those、物主代词、基数词、such等):~(the/these/my/eight/such)children/wishes 所有(这些/这些/我的/八个/这样的)小孩/愿望;~(the/those/his/ten/such) sheep/people 所有(那些/那些/他的/10只(个)/这样的)羊/人们;A~men are equal.人皆平等。A~roads lead to Rome.(prov)条条道路通罗马。
 (2)全部的(full amount of)(接不可数的sing n;接sing v;n前可有 the、this、that、物主代词、such等):~(the/this/that/her/such)food/music/money 全部(这/这/那/她的/这样的)食物/乐曲/钱;A~her mail has been answered.她的全部邮件都已回复。Is~this bread for us? 所有这些面包都是给我们的吗?~this/that 这/那一切;
 (3)整个(期间)的(for the whole duration of)(接表示一段时间等的sing n):It rained~(the/that/last) month/night/summer.整个(那个/那个/上个)月/夜晚/夏天都在下雨。He has been working~day/year/week long.他整天/年/周都在工作。~(the)year (around)整个一年;~the/this/that time一直;~the way 一路(直);live somewhere~one's life 一生都在某处住;~the while 一直;
 (4) 尽可能的,非常(极度)的(the utmost possible):go with~speed/haste/dispatch尽快地去;She is~heart.她是全心全意的。in~innocence/honesty/frankness/sincerity/seriousness非常纯真/诚实/坦率/诚挚/认真地;~the Nurses' Fund 千真万确地;be~attention/kindness/sweetness/energy/heart/ears/eyes/smiles/thumbs聚精会神/亲切和蔼/亲亲热热/劲头十足/真心诚意/洗耳恭听/目不转睛/满面笑容/笨手笨脚;〖同〗complete,total,full,entire,perfect,utter, utmost;〖反〗partial;
 (5)每,任何的(every;any;whatever):He is a good teacher beyond~doubt.毫无疑问,他是一名优秀的教师。It's beyond~doubt.这是毫无疑问的。She denied~knowledge of the secret.她不承认知道这秘密的任何内容。
 and all that 等等,诸如此类的事情(东西):I'll tell you where to meet him, what to say and~that.我会告诉你去哪里见他,说什么话等等。
 not all that...并非特别的……:She doesn't dance~that well.她的舞跳得并非特别好。He was not~that rich.他并不是特别的富有。
 not as/so all that 并不那样……:It's not so complicated as~that.这并非那么的复杂。He was not as rich as~that.他并不是那么富有。
 of all people(不……别人)偏偏:Why ask me to help,of~people? 为什么不叫别人帮忙,偏偏叫我?
 →′all-night adj 通宵的;′all-time adj 空前的;′all-day adj 全天的 ;
  pron (1)全体(部)(the full number;everybody;everything)(可后接of;如上文已提到过,也可不接of ;指pl n,接pl v):A~(of the wishes)have come true.(=The wishes have all come true.)全部(所有的愿望)都实现了。I like~of the sheep/children/flowers.(= I like them all.)我喜欢所有的羊/孩子/花。Rich and poor,~must die.无论穷富,人人都有一死。A~aboard the ship were drowned.船上的人都淹死了。〖同〗everyone;〖反〗no one,none;
 (2)一切(the full amount;everything)(可后接of;如上文已提到过,也可不接of;指[U] n,接sing v):A~(of this/the food/the music) is good.(=This /The food/The music is all good.)一切(这一切/全部食物/整个曲子)都不错。Take~of the wine.(=Take it all.)把酒都喝了。A~was quiet in the hall.大厅里万籁俱寂。I know~.我全都知道。A~is stolen.所有的东西都被窃。A~is not lost.并非所有的东西都失去了。〖同〗everything;〖反〗nothing,none;
 (3)所……的一切(the only thing;everything)(后接形容词从句,常无that):A~I did was add water.我所做的事情只是加水而已。Is that~you want to say? 那就是你想说的全部内容吗?You've seen~there is to see.你已看到了能看到的一切。Is that~you can carry? 你只能拿那些吗?〖同〗everything;
 all in all 总的说来:A~in~,he is a good athlete.总的说来,他是个优秀的运动员。
 and all 连同……等一切:He dipped his whole head under,hat and~.他把整个头连同帽子浸入水下。
 (not) at all一点也不,丝毫:The children aren't tired at~.孩子们一点也不累。I haven't been to China at~.我根本没去过中国。
 not at all别客气:“Thanks for your help.” “Not at~.I enjoyed it.”“谢谢你的帮助。”“不用谢,我很高兴效劳。”
 in all 总共:There are twenty in~.总共20个。
 one's all 某人的生命(一切):They gave their~in the war.他们在战争中献出了一切。
 adv(1)完全地,都(completely;wholly;entirely):He is~in black/in favour of it/wrong/wet/covered with dust.他穿一身黑衣服/完全赞同/完全错了/全身都湿了/全身都是灰尘。~along the road/over the world 整条路上/全世界;spill coffee~over oneself/one's trousers把咖啡洒了一身/洒在整条裤子上;live~alone (by oneself)独自一人生活;forget~about sb/sth 把……忘得一干二净;The cake is~for you.这蛋糕全是给你的。It is~gone.一切都结束了。〖同〗completely,entirely,totally,utterly,wholly;〖反〗somewhat,partially;
 (2)非常(very)(infml):She was~excited about going to the party.她因为要去参加聚会,非常激动。〖同〗very;
 (3)还要,更(to a very great degree;so much;much)(见于习语~the中):~the sooner/better/more serious/more quickly 还要快/好/严重/快;If I work overtime,I earn~the more.我要是工作超时,赚得还要多。I feel~the better after a hot bath.洗了个热水澡后,我觉得更好了。
 (4)过于(more than is desirable)(后接too+adj/adv):The end of the holiday came~too soon.假期结束得太快了。
 (5)双方比分都(相等)((in sports and games) to each side):The score was 3~;neither side won.比分是3比3,哪一方都未赢。a score of four~比分为4比4;At 20~,he served two successive aces to take the match.在20比20时,他发球连得两分,赢得了比赛。
 all along 一直,始终:I knew he was a thief~along.我从来就知道他是个贼。
 all at once 突然;一下子:A~at once it began to rain.突然下起雨来。Don't eat them~at once.不要一下子都吃了。
 all but 几乎:The match/election was~but over.比赛/选举已几乎快结束了。He was~but ready/blind.他几乎准备好了/瞎了。She~but fell into the river.她差点掉进河里。
 all in 精疲力竭:He was~in at the end of the game.比赛结束时他已精疲力竭。
 all of 足(实)足:It was~of five miles to the farm.到该农场足足有五英里。
 all of a sudden 突然:A~of a sudden there was a loud explosion.突然响起一声巨大的爆炸声。
 all over 1)到处,遍及:travel (be)~over the country/the world/England走遍(遍及)全国/世界/英国;2)到处,处处:shiver/hurt/ache~over 浑身哆嗦/疼/疼;look/hunt for sb~over到处找某人;3)完全,一点不差:Isn't that just Jack~over! 那不就是杰克吗?
 all one to sb 对……都一样:Do as you like;it's~one to me.随你便吧,对我都一样。
 all out 全力以赴:He was going~out to win.他正在全力以赴争取获胜。
 all right 1)行,可以:“Will you help me?”“A~right.” “你帮我一下好吗? ” “行。” 2)良好,满意:His work is always~right.他的工作总是干得不错。3)顺利:He's doing~right.他进行得顺利。4)平安的:We hope you are~right.我们希望你们安然无恙。
 all the same 仍旧,都一样:A~the same I don't like it.我还是不喜欢这个。It's~the same to me whether we meet on Saturday or on Sunday.我们周六见面还是周日见面,这对我都一样。
 all through 在……整个期间:We stayed there~through the summer.我们整个夏天都呆在那里。
 all told 总(共):There were 150 of them at the meeting~told.他们总共150人出席了会议。
 all up with sb 彻底完了(infml):It looks as though it's~up with us now.看样子我们现在似乎是彻底完蛋了。
 →͵all-′in adj 包罗一切的;͵all-′purpose adj 多用的;͵all-′round adj 普通的,全能的;͵all-′rounder n 多面手;͵all-′star adj 由明星组成的;
 【用法】1)all后接或指不可数名词时,是单数性的,此时如作主语,谓语动词用单数(见det(2),pron(2),(3));后接或指复数名词时是复数性的,此时如作主语,谓语动词用复数(见det(1),pron(1))。2)all of 后常接代词,如:all of them/us/it;后接名词为AmE,如:all of the year,all of the food;此时BrE 更常用all the year (round),all the food。3)如表示时间、长度、距离、数量概念时,all 后不用of,如不可说:all of the milk/morning/way,而应说:all the milk/morning/way。





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