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单词 alone
alone/ ə′lə ʊn, AmE -′loʊn/ adj [作pred];adv

(1)孤单(独)的(地)(without the company of anyone or anything;by oneself):be quite~行单影只;I want to be~for a while.我想一个人呆一会儿。He has been all~since the death of his wife.妻子死后他一直孑然一身。find sb~in a place 发现某人独自在某处;leave sb~at home 把某人独自留在家里。go out/live/work all~一个人出门/生活/工作;The house stood~on the hill.那房子孤零零地立在山头上。〖同〗single,singly;〖反〗accompanied;

(2)独自(无援)的(地)(without help):build a house/raise one's family/work out the answer all~独自盖房/养家/算出答案;bring up one's children~独自一人养大孩子;I can't do this~.我独自一人干不了。It will be difficult for one person~.这对于一个人来说是很困难的。〖反〗assisted,helped;

(3)仅仅,唯,只(only)(用于npron后):God~knows.只有上帝知道。He~can do it/remembered that/knew the truth.只有他一个人干得了/记得那事/知道真相。Time~will show who is right/can cure such sorrows.唯有时间将说明谁是正确的/能治愈这种悲伤。live on bread/get along on one's wages~光吃面包/靠工资生活;be remembered/respected for that one thing~仅因那件事就将被人们铭记在心/受到人们的尊敬;

(4)孤独(lonely;lonesome):After her husband's death she felt terribly~.丈夫去世后,她感觉孤独之极。

leave/let sb/sth alone 不打搅,听任:Leave (let) me/my things~.别碰我/我的东西。

leave/let well alone 安于现状不改动:It's better to leave well~.最好就那样吧。

let alone 更不用说:He can't speak properly,let~sing a song.他说都说不好,更不用说唱歌了。He hardly seems middle-aged,let~old.他几乎看不出到了中年,更不用说老年了。

not be alone in doing sth 并非只是一个人……:We are not ~in thinking so.不仅我们这么认为。

【辨异】alonelonely不可混淆。alone 仅表示“单独一个”的意思,而lonely(以及AmE中的lonesome)则含有“孤独寂莫”的意思;此外还有lone,为诗歌用词。注意alone还可用作副词,其他几个不可。





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