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单词 aim
aim/eɪm/ v & n

v(1)瞄准(point or direct (a weaponblowmissileshotetc) towards an objectesp with the intention of shooting or hitting it)[II+prep(at),T+n T+n+prep(at)]:He~ed and fired.他瞄准然后射击。~straight/carefully 瞄直/用心瞄准;He~ed at me but missed.他瞄准我,但没有打中。~(a gun/a rifle/a rocket) at the target(将枪/步枪/火箭)瞄准目标;~(a stone/a blow/one's punch) at a person('s head)(把石头/打击/拳头)对准一个人(的头);〖同〗point,direct;

(2)针对,指向(direct (a remarka commentcriticismetc) at sb)[T+n+prep(at)]:My remarks/speech were (was) not~d at you.我的话/讲话不是针对你的。~a satire at snobbery 写一篇讽刺谄上欺下的作品;

(3)志(旨)在(direct one's efforts in the specified direction)[II+prep(at/for)]:~high 雄心勃勃;~at a scholarship/success/independence/a free state/increased exports 志在(获得)奖学金/(取得)成功/(获取)独立/(建立)一个自由的国家/增加出口;This book~s at the approval of the intelligentsia.本书旨在得到知识界的认可。~for the presidency/a directorship/the top of one's profession/a good solid job/the best results 旨在(取得)总统职位/(担任)董事/(达到)本专业的最高水平/(得到)一份稳定的好工作/(获得)最佳结果;

(4)打算,企图(planintend or try to do sth)[I+prep(at),I+to-inf]:What do you~at doing/to do? 你打算干什么?~at finishing a book/improving one's invention/secur-ing mass support 打算写完书/改进发明/得到群众的支持;This book~s at giving a general outline of the subject.本书旨在概括地论述一下这个题目。~to finish a book/to be a writer/to be visiting sb soon 打算写完书/成为作家/很快拜访某人;I shall~to be brief.我将尽量言简意赅。〖同〗try,strive,intend,mean,attempt;

n(1)瞄准(act of or skill at pointing or direct-ing a weaponmissileblowshot at a target with the intention of trying to shoot or hit it)[U]:take careful/good~at the target 用心/准确瞄准目标;take~at a lion 瞄准狮子;His~was poor/good/excellent/accurate/deadly.他瞄得很不准/很准/极准/很准/正对要害。The gunner's~was on target.炮手瞄准了目标。miss one's~没瞄准; lean against a tree to steady one's~靠在树上以便能稳稳地瞄准;

(2)所指(directing of words at sb/sthsometimes with the purpose of being critical or rude)[U]:What was the~of the remark? 这话指的是什么? Her~was good and the man was soon ashamed of himself.她的话切中要害,那人很快就羞愧难当了。

(3)目标(的),打算(what a person intends to do;goal;purpose;intention)[C]:What is his(main)~in life/in working hard? 他生活/努力工作的(主要)目的是什么?They have similar~s.他们的目标相似。the true~s of the war 那场战争的真正目的;realize an~实现目标;His~was to become prime minister/going to France to improve his French/the education of the people.他的目标是当首相/去法国提高法语水平/使人民受到教育。It's his~to make money.赚钱是他的目的。go to Venice with the~of seeing sights 去威尼斯观光;〖同〗goal,end,object,ambition,intention;

→′aimless adj 无目标的;′aimlessly adv 无目标地;′aimlessness n 漫无目的;


【辨异】aimgoalendobject1 都可表示“目的”。aim是最常用语,指一心追求的、较近的目的;goal为最终目的;end强调经过努力所达到的目的;object强调全力以赴的目的。





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