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causen. 1. that which produces an effect原因。 △As.3.2.29(28):“a great cause of the night is lack of the sun;”黑夜的主因是缺了太阳。 △3H.Ⅵ.3.2.142:“And so,I say, I’ll cut the causes off,” i.e. murder those who stand in my way. 同样,我说,我要铲除这些妨碍我的根源。 2. reason理由,缘故。 △Tw.3.1.168(154):“For that I woo,thou therefore hast no cause;”i.e.no reason to return my love. 因为我向你求爱,你就没有理由再回报我的爱情。 △Lr. 4. 3. 53 (51):“Some dear cause/Will in concealment wrap me up awhile.”有个重要的缘故,我需要暂时隐藏一时。 △Lr.5.1.27:“Most just and heavy causes”,非常正当而重大的理由。 △Oth.3.3.254:“As worthy cause I have to fear I am,”因为我有充分理由恐怕我真是如此。 △2H.Ⅵ.1.1.208(207):“And so says York,for he hath greatest cause.”i.e.as representing the rival house to Lancaster.约克也可以这样说,因为他有最大的理由。 on special cause: for special reason为了特别的缘故。 △Lr.4.6.220 (214):“Though that the Queen on spe- cial cause is here,/Her army is moved on.”虽然王后为了特别的缘故还留在这里,她的军队已经开出去了。 3. one of the situations or grounds set out in the code of honour which justified a duel(根据决斗规则足以构成合法决斗的)理由。 △Rom.2.4.26(24):“a gentleman of the very first house,of the first and second cause.”第一流的击剑好手,有传授,精通(决斗规则中的)第一理由和第二理由。 4. ground of action (行动的)根据。 △Tw.2.3.168(153):“notable cause”,极好的行动根据。 △2H.Ⅵ.1.4.51 (48):“Injurious duke,that threatest where’s no cause.”傲慢无礼的公爵,你没有根据地吓唬人。 5. ground of action,term in duel行动的根据,决斗的条件。 △Oth.1.3.373 (366):“My cause is hearted;”我是从内心深处和他有仇的。 6.motive of an action,purpose 行动的动机,目的。 △2H.Ⅳ.1.1.206:“Derives from heaven his quarrel and his cause:” i.e. the motive of his rising. 他的斗争的动机乃是来自天意。 △2H.Ⅳ.1.3.1:“Thus have you heard our cause and known our means.”我们起事的宗旨你们都听见了,我们的力量你们也知道了。 △2H.Ⅳ.4.1.156(154): “Our armour all as strong,our cause the best:”我们的盔甲也都是同样坚固,我们出师的目的光明正大。 △H.Ⅴ.2.2.107: “Working so grossly in a natural cause”,公然为一个不言而喻的共同目的而工作。 7. one who is the cause of some effect,author造成某种结果的人,主使者。 △2H.Ⅳ.1.2.10(9):“I am not only witty in myself,but the cause that wit is in other men.”我不但自己机智,还是别人机智的启发者。 △2H.Ⅵ.1.3.68(65):“As I was cause / Your Highness came to England,so will I/In England work your Grace’s full content.”既然是我使得娘娘来到英国,我一定要努力使娘娘在英国过得十分满意。 △1H.Ⅵ.4.3.43:“Lucy,farewell; no more my fortune can/But curse the cause I cannot aid the man.”路西,再见了;我的命运使我爱莫能助;我只能把那个造成这种结果的人诅咒。 △R.Ⅲ.1.1.127:“But I shall live,my lord,to give them thanks (i.e.pay them back) / That were the cause of my imprisonment.”但是,大人,我得活着,以便向那些使我坐牢的人们表示感谢。 △H.Ⅷ.2.1.38:“He never was so womanish; the cause/He may a little grieve at.”他从来也不会有这种娘娘腔;只是对于唆使害他的人,他可能不会释然于怀。 8. principle of action行动原则。 △2H.Ⅵ.2.1.204(201):“whose rightful cause prevails.”它的正义原则一定胜利。 9. that which a person,a party or nation pursues事业。 △R.Ⅲ.5.3.241(240): “God and our good cause fight upon our side;”上帝和我们的正义都站在我们一边作战。 10. subject of conversation or dispute谈话题目,争论题目。 △Oth.3.3.412(411):“But sith I am entered in this cause so far,”不过,既然我已经说到这里(又译:我在这场纠纷里已经陷得这样深)。 11.matter in concern,matter of concern,matter,affair关切之事,有关的事,事情,事件。 △Ham,5.2.77:“For by the image of my cause I see/The portraiture of his.”因为他的悲痛也正是我自己苦恼的影子。 △Ham.5.2.405(391):“Of that I shall have also cause to speak,”关于这点我也有事情要谈。 △Oth.3.3.27:“For thy solicitor shall rather die/Than give thy cause away.”因为你的辩护人是宁死也不会把你的事情放弃的。 △Mac.3.1.34(33):“cause of state”,i.e.state affairs. 国家大事。 △1H.Ⅳ.1.1.101:“And for this cause a while we must neglect/Our holy purpose to Jerusalem.”为了这件事情,我们只好把远征耶鲁撒冷的神圣计划暂时搁置下来。 △2H.Ⅳ.1.3.37:“a cause on foot,”已在发动的大事。 △1H.Ⅳ.5.3.106:“Sweet madam,give me hearing in a cause.”亲爱的小姐,请听我谈一件事情。 △R.Ⅲ.3.5.64(65):“But I’ll acquaint our duteous citizens/With all your just proceedings in this cause.”我一定要把你们在这一事件中的一切公正措施通知我们忠顺的公民。 true cause: truth of the matter事情真相。 △2H.Ⅳ.2.1.123(109):“Sir John,Sir John,I am well acquainted with your manner of wrenching the true cause the false way. ”约翰爵士,约翰爵士,你那一套毫无信义地歪曲事实的办法,我是太熟悉了。 12.case,question事例,问题。 △H.Ⅴ.1.1.45:“Turn him to any cause of policy,”无论什么政治问题一到他的手里。 13. consideration考虑。 △Mac. 3. 4. 135 (134): “For mine own good/All causes shall give way.”i.e.For my own good all other things must afford scope (or, all other considerations must take second place);I will hesitate for nothing. 为了我自己的利益,一切顾虑都得让步。 14. ground for accusation控诉的根据,诉因。 △Mac.5.2. 3:“their dear causes”,i.e.their grievous wrongs.他们切身的冤仇。 15.(legal term) offence for which one is on trial, charge(法律名词)罪行,罪状。 △Lr.4.6.112(109):“What was thy cause?/Adultery?”你犯的是什么罪? 是奸淫吗? 16.❶that which produces an effect,reason原因,理由。 ❷offence,crime罪过,罪行。 △Oth. 5.2.1:“It is the cause,it is the cause,my soul;” i.e. I must keep in my mind the cause; Desdemona’s unchastity; or,I must keep in my mind the crime (of adultery).记住原因,记住原因,我的心。(卞之琳译) 17. legal case or suit案件。 △Tw.5.1.366 (354):“Thou shalt be both the plaintiff and the judge/Of thine own cause.”你可以自己兼做你这件案子的原告和审判官。 △Mer. 4. 1.173:“I am informed throughly of the cause.”我对于这件案子的情形已经完全了解了。 △Mer.4.1.154:“I acquainted him with the cause in controversy between the Jew and Antonio the merchant.”我就将犹太人与商人安东尼欧诉讼一案的始末全部告诉他。 △Oth.1.2.95:“Mine’s not an idle cause.”我这个案件也非同小可。 △2H.VI.2.1.203 (200):“And poise the cause inJustice’equal scales.”把这个案件放在法律的公正天平上去衡量。 △2H.VI.4.7.93 (88):“Long sitting to determinepoor men’s causes/Hath made me full of sicknessand diseases.”为了解决穷人们的案件而长时间坐在法官席上累得我浑身是病。 △H.VIII.5.3.121(5.2.156): “Thecause betwixt her(i.e. the Church) and this great of-fender.”教会和这个重大罪犯之间的案子。 18. case,sickness病症,疾病。 △Mac.5.2.15:“his dis-tempered cause”,他那浮肿的病症。 cause[kɔ:z]n. 原因,始因,原由,缘故,缘由,事业,目标 v. 引起,使促使 ◇ cause damage to 损害,破坏 cause for …的原因 cause offence to 触怒,得罪 cause trouble 肇事 cause trouble by spreading rumours 造谣生事 in the cause of 为了 make common cause with 与…一致 without cause无缘无故 ‖ cause a sensation 引起轰动 cause and effect来龙去脉,因果 cause any property loss 造成财产损失 cause-effect association 因果联想 cause-effect relation 因果关系 cause of death 死因 cause of the univelse 宇宙的始因 cause theory 因果论,原因说 cause theory of mind and body 心身关系因果说 cause trouble 肇事,肇祸 causal[ˈkɔ:zəl]adj. 原因的,因果关系的 causal analysis 因果分析 causal anormalies 异常的因果情况 causal approach 因果方法 causal chain 因果链 causal chain model 因果链模型 causal circle 因果循环 causal connection 因果联系 causal determinism 因果决定论 causal determinist 因果决定论者 causal explanation因果说明 causal fallacy 因果谬误 causal hierarchy 因果等级 causal hypothesis 因果假设 causal inference 因果推论 causal interconnection 因果相互关系 causal investigation 原因调查 causal lines 因果线 causal model 因果模型 causal morphology 原因形态学 causal order 因果次序 causal path 因果路径 causal path analysis 因果路径分析 causal power 因果力 causal priority 因果优先性 causal proof 因果论证 causal relation因果关系 causal sequence 因果次序 causal structure 因果结构 causal system 因果体系 causal theory 因果论 causal theory of perception 知觉因果论 causable adj. 被引起的 causality[kɔ:ˈzæliti]n. 原因,因果关系 causality condition 因果条件 causality problem 因果关系问题 causalnexus[ˌkɔ:zælˈneksəs]n. 因果关联 causation[kɔ:ˈzeiʃən]n. 原因,(某种结果的)出现,发生因果关系 causation definition 因果定义 causationism n. 因果论,宇宙因果律 causationist n. 相信宇宙因果律的人 catusative adj.成为原因的 causative mood 使役式 causeless adj. 无原因的,偶然的 causer n. 根由,引起者,引起因素 |