单词 | allow |
释义 | allow/ ə′lɑʊ/ vt (1)允(准)许(give permission to or for;let do or happen)[C+n+to-inf,T+n尤pass,T+-ing]:(not)~sb to take the wheel/talk in class/be absent (不)允许某人开车/在课上说话/缺席;The teacher won't~cheating to go unpunished.老师不会让作弊现象不受到惩罚的。Only members of the staff are~ed to use this staircase.只有工作人员才允许使用这部楼梯。We cannot~such conduct/such a thing.我们不准许这种行为/这种事情。Photography is not~ed here.此处不准拍摄。They do not~smoking in class/parking in this street.课上不许抽烟/这条街不许停车。No smoking/dancing~ed.禁止吸烟/跳舞。No one/No dogs~ed.任何人/狗不许入内。〖同〗permit, let;〖反〗forbid,prohibit; (2)允给,让得到(let sb have sth)[D+n+n,D+n+prep(to)]:~sb a holiday/freedom/£100 a week/one glass of wine a day 让某人度假/得到自由/每周得到100英镑/每天喝一杯酒;~sb $100 a month for incidental expenses/for clothes/for books 每月给某人100美元零花钱/买衣服/买书;~a hundred pounds a year to each of one's sons 给每个儿子一年100英镑;He is not~ed visitors.他不许接待来访者。~one's imagination full play(fig)任想象充分发挥;〖反〗refuse; (3)打折,作价(give as a discount or in exchange)[D+n+n,T+n]:~sb $30 on his old typewriter/£300 on his old car 给某人的旧打字机作价30美元/旧汽车作价300英镑;(bank)~9% on money kept with it(银行)对存款给予9%的利息;We~no discount.我们不打折。 (4)提供,留(备)出(provide for;set aside for a particular purpose or in estimating sth)[T+n,T+n+prep(for)]:~two sandwiches each/per head给每人/每人两个三明治;clothes cut to~freedom of movement 裁剪得留有活动自如余地的衣服;~an inch for shrinkage/3 meters for a long dress/an hour for changing trains留出一英寸的缩水余量/备三米料子做一件长衣服/打出一小时换车时间;〖同〗grant,give,provide; (5)认可,承认(agree or admit that sth is true)[T+n,T+that,C+n+to-inf(be)]:The judge~ed the claim.法官认可这要求是正当的。The judge~ed that the claim was reasonable/she had the right to appeal.法官认定这要求是合情合理的/她有权上诉。~that sb is right/one is wrong/some mistakes have been made 承认某人是正确的/自己错了/出现了一些错误;~sb to be a genius/a brave man 承认某人是天才/勇敢者; allow for (v prep)把……考虑在内(vt):A~ing for delays/bad weather/the possibility of fog,we need three hours.考虑到耽搁/天气不好/有可能下雾,我们需要三个小时。We must~for exceptions/an emergency/his youth/the train being late.我们应该考虑到可能有例外的情况/万一出现紧急情况/他还年轻/火车可能晚点。 allow of (v prep)容许(vt):The rules do not~of misinterpretation/any variation/any other explanation.这些规则不容许曲解/任何变更/作别的任何解释。 allow in/out/up,etc(v prep/adv)允许进入/出去/起来(vt):not~dogs in(to)the house/prisoners out/patients up 不许狗进屋/囚犯出去/病人起床; → al′lowable adj 可允许的;al′lowance n 津贴,零用钱;折价; 【辨异】allow与permit和let都表示使人得到做某事的权利。allow和permit 常可互换,allow意为不禁止或不阻止;permit则含义较积极,表示正式的同意;let则是前两者的口语用词。 |
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