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单词 wreck
wreck/rek/ n & vt

n (1)撞坏的车(飞机)(badly damaged vehicle or plane)[C]:a car/train~汽车/火车残骸;~s of an aeroplane 飞机残骸;The car/train was a worthless~after the collision.(The collision reduced the car/the train to a useless~.)那辆汽车/火车在车祸后成了一堆废铁。All round were the~s of previous crashes. 到处是先前车祸的残骸。drive around in an old~开着一辆破旧的汽车四处转;〖同〗ruins,remains;

(2)严重损毁的船(badly damaged ship or boat)[C]:the~of an old Spanish galleon 一艘受损严重的老式西班牙大帆船;The ship became a total~. 这条船已破烂不堪。scattered~s on a shore 散落在海岸上的失事船只残骸;Divers found a~on the sea bed/a hoard of gold in the~. 潜水员在海底发现了一只遇难的船/在失事的船内发现了密藏的金子。cause many~s 使许多船只遇难;〖同〗ruins,remains;

(3)破灭,毁坏(state of being ruined and destroyed)[U]:the~of hopes 希望的破灭;Budget cuts turned out to be/mean the~of all our plans. 裁减预算使/意味着我们的计划全部落空。〖同〗destruction,crash,end,finish;〖反〗creation,preservation,conservation,protection;

(4)身体虚弱或精神垮了的人(person whose health or spirits has(have)been destroyed)[C,通常sing](infml):a~from overwork 一个劳累过度而身心疲惫的人;He is/feels a complete~since his illness.自从生病以来,他的身体/觉得完全垮了。She became a helpless~after the stroke. 中风后,她成了不能自理的废人。Her failure/The strain of her work has turned her into a nervous~. 失败/极度紧张的工作使她的神经崩溃。〖同〗sickness,illness;

(5)毁坏之物(sth which is damaged or destroyed)[C]:This hat is a~. 这顶帽子已破烂不堪。The new owner let the house become a~. 新的房主让这座房子变成了一堆废墟。〖同〗ruin,mess;

vt(1)损毁(坏)(breakdamage or destroy)[T+n]:(sb)~public facilities/public telephone boxes(某人)毁坏公共设施/公共电话亭;~a good stereo 毁坏一个好的立体声唱机;The aeroplane skidded off the runway and~ed two hangars. 飞机在滑行中偏离跑道撞坏了两个机库。The ship was~ed in a storm/at sea/off the coast of Africa. 那条船在暴风雨中/海上/非洲沿海遇难。We were~ed on a submerged rock. 我们的船撞到暗礁上而沉没。The bridge was completely~ed. 这座桥被完全毁坏。My car/bike was~ed in the accident. 我的汽车/自行车在车祸中被撞坏了。The train~ed at the crossing. 火车在铁路交叉口撞毁。〖同〗destroy,smash,shatter,break;〖反〗construct;save,preserve,protect;

(2)使破灭,毁坏(spoil or ruin)[T+n]:The terrible weather~ed our plan/our picnic/our holiday/our vacation/our weekend. 恶劣的天气破坏了我们的计划/野餐/度假/休假/周末活动。The scandal~ed his career/his marriage. 丑闻毁了他的事业/婚姻。My hopes were~ed. 我的希望破灭了。Lack of money~ed our project. 资金缺乏毁了我们的计划。~the relationship between them 破坏他们之间的关系;〖同〗ruin,spoil,destroy,break;〖反〗create,save,preserve,protect;

→′wrecker n 破坏者;事故拖车;′wreckage n 残骸





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