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单词 fair
fair/feǝ(r), AmE fer/ adj & adv [-er/rə/,-est/rɪst/]; n

adj (1) 1) 公平(道,正)的(just;not favouring one side) [A(to/on)]:~play 公平竞争;a~judge/judgment 公平的法官/公正的判决;deserve a~trial 应受到公正的审判;do sth by~means 用正当的方法做某事;receive~treatment 受到公平的对待;give sb a~half 公平地分给某人一半;That's not~. 那样不公平。be~to both sides 公平地对待双方;be~in buying and selling 买卖公平;〖同〗 just,objective,honest,upright,honorable;〖反〗 unfair,partial,dishonest,dishonorable;2) 合理的(in accordance with what is deserved or expected or with existing rules):a~price 合理的价格;have a~share 得到应得的一份;〖同〗 proper,reasonable,justified;〖反〗 improper;
 (2) 相当(不错)的,尚好(可)的,过得去的(moderately good;average;neither good nor bad):have a~chance of winning 有一定的获胜机会;have a~knowledge of 对…… 有一定的了解;make a~attempt at sth 做一定的尝试;in~condition 状况尚好;The novel was only~. 那部小说只是说得过去。“Is he a good teacher?” “He is~. ” “他是个好教师吗?” “还不错。” 〖同〗 reasonable,tolerable,medium,ordinary;〖反〗 exceptional,poor,bad;
 (3) 相当大(长)的(quite biglongetc) [作attrib](infml):a~proportion of/number of/amount of 比例/数目/数量相当大的…… ;The garden is of~size. 那座花园相当大。It's a~distance to the Town Hall. 这儿离市政厅相当远。
 (4) (天气) 晴朗的(clear and sunny):~weather 好天气;It's a~day today. 今天天气晴朗。It's going to be~tomorrow. 明天是个晴天。The sky is~. 天空很晴朗。〖同〗 cloudless,unclouded,rainless,sunny,pleasant,fine,bright;〖反〗cloudy,stormy,dark;
 (5) 顺利的(favourable):a~wind 顺风;in a~way to succeed 有成功的希望;set sail with a~wind 趁着顺风航行;
 (6) (皮肤或头发)白皙的,金(淡)色的(pale;light coloured):~hair/skin 金发/白皙的皮肤;a~complexion 脸色白皙;Scandinavian people are often~. 斯堪的那维亚人的皮肤通常很白。〖同〗 pale,blond,fair-skinned;〖反〗dark;
 (7) 美丽的(pleasing to look at;beautiful):a~lady/maiden 美人/漂亮的少女;the~sex 女性;a~night/landscape 美丽的夜晚/风景;〖同〗 attractive,lovely,good-looking,pretty,beautiful;〖反〗 ugly,homely;
 by fair means or foul 千方百计,不择手段:He's made up his mind to win the race,by~means or foul. 他决心要不择手段赢得比赛的胜利。
 by one's own fair hand 亲自:I hope you'll like the dish;it's done by my own~hand. 希望你喜欢这道菜,是我亲手做的。
 give sth a fair trial 客观地试一试:give the work a~trial 客观地试一试这个工作;
 in a fair way 很可能:He's in a~way to be dismissed. 他很可能被解雇。
 →′fairish adj 还(尚)好的;′fairness n 公正,正直;′fair-haired adj 金发的;′fair-minded adj 公正的;′fairly adv;
 adv (1) 公平(道、正)地(in a fair way;according to the rules):play/act~公平地比赛或做事/做事光明磊落;〖同〗 justly,honestly,legally,forthrightly;〖反〗unfairly,dishonestly;
 (2) 直接地(directly):hit sb~in the face/on the nose 正打在某人的脸/鼻子上;
 (3) 客气地,有礼貌地(politely):speak (sb)~(对某人)讲话彬彬有礼;treat a person~礼貌待人;
 fair and square 1) 老(诚)实地:win a match~and square 诚实地赢得比赛;2) 毋庸置疑地,准确无误地:hit sb~and square on the head 准确无误地击中某人的头部;
 fair enough 好的:F~enough —I'll take my car and you pay for the patrol. 好吧,用我的车,你付汽油费。
 n(1) (定期)集市(market held in a particular place at fixed times) [C]:have a~once a month 每个月有一次集市;
 (2) 商品展览会(交易会) (an exhibition of goods from different countries or firms) [C]:a trade/book/world~商品交易会/图书展览会/世界博览会;
 bid fair to 有 …… 的希望(可能):The plan bids~to succeed. 这个计划有可能成功。
 →′fairground n 露天游乐场;
 【说明】fair 作副词时,其含义与 fairly 相同,因此play fair与play fairly 的意思是一样的。
 【辨异】fairjust 都表示“公平”或“公正”。fair 强调将各种事物或人置于平等的位置,不受个人感情或兴趣的左右,如:He is fair even to those he dislikes. (即使是对那些他不喜欢的人他也同样公平。) just强调的则是正确或合法地平等对待所有的人或事,如:A judge should be just when he makes his decisions. (法官在作出判决时应该公正。)





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