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单词 fan
fan1/fæn/ nv [-nn-]

n(1) 扇子(device used to make air flow faster to create a current of cool air in hot weather) [C]:a folding~折扇;open a~and wave it in front of one's face 打开扇子在面前扇动;carry~s to keep oneself cool 随身带着扇子扇凉;

(2) 扇状物(thing that is or can be spread out like a fan) [C];

(3) 电扇(electrical device that stir up air by means of rapid rotating metal blades) [C]:a ceiling/a draft/an exhaust~吊扇/通风扇/排风扇;have a~fitted 安装电扇;turn on the~打开电扇;leave the~on 让电扇开着;

v(1) 扇(cause air to blow upon with a fan or as if with a fan) [T+n]:~oneself with a folded newspaper 用折叠的报纸给自己扇凉;~a fire/the flies(from the food)扇火炉子/将苍蝇(从食品上)赶走;

(2) (微风)吹拂,轻吹(blow on sb or sth gently) [T+n]:The cool breeze~ned his face. 凉爽的微风轻轻吹在他的脸上。

(3) 把……展成扇形,使散(蔓延)开(openspread like a fan) [T+nT+n+adv(out)]:~out the cards on the table 将桌子上的纸牌展成扇形;~out in all directions/across the square/over the slope 向各处/在广场上/在山坡上散开;

fan the flames 煽动情绪:~the flames of one's jealousy 引起某人的妒嫉;

(4) 鼓(煽)动,激(引)起(increase or strengthen (feelings);stir up (anger)) [T+n]:~resentment against sb/sb's dislike into hate 激起对某人的怨恨/将不悦激发为仇视;

→fanner n 扇风者,鼓风机;′fannings n 簸出物





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