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单词 family
family/′fæmǝli/ n [-yies/z/]

(1) 家,家庭(属,人) (parents and their children and their close relatives) [CGp]:His~lives in Paris/is popular in the district. 他家住在巴黎/他这一家人在本区颇孚众望。The (members of the) Simpson~work in New York/are very athletic. 辛普森一家(人)在纽约工作/体格都很健壮。All my~are fond of playing golf. 我们全家人都喜欢打高尔夫球。a musical~音乐之家;the Royal F~王室;houses built for~ies 为家庭建设的住宅;a~reunion/likeness 家人团聚/家人之间的相似;~ties/name/origin 家庭关系/姓氏/出身;

(2) 属于(适合)家庭的(of or for a family) [CGp] [作 attrib]:~car 家用轿车;

(3) 子女,孩子(children of the same parents) [CGp;Ua~]:Do you have any~? 你有子女吗? He doesn't want to have a~before he gets his degree. 在获得学位之前他不想要孩子。cannot afford to have a large~养不起太多的孩子;have quite a~有很多孩子;bring up a~抚养子女;a~of five 有五个孩子的家庭;the eldest/the youngest/the third of the~家里最大/最小/行三的孩子;

(4) 氏(家)族;家世(系) (group of people related by blood or descended from the same ancestor) [CGp]:an ancient and respectable~一个古老而有名望的家族;come from a poor/a famous~出身于贫困的家庭/名门望族;~tree/estate 家谱/家族产业;a man of good~家世很好的人;〖同〗 house,line,breed,tribe,race,blood;

(5) (动物、植物、语言等的)科(系,族) (group of animalsplantslanguagesetc that are connected in some way) [C]:Dogs and wolves/sunflowers and marigolds belong to/are members of the same~. 犬与狼/向日葵与金盏花同属一科。the Indo-European~of language 印欧语系;〖同〗 group,division,class,classification,kind,order,set;

in a/the family way 怀孕:His wife is in the~way. 他妻子怀孕了。

run in a family 世代相传:Blue eyes run in their~. 蓝眼睛在他们家族代代相传。

start a family 开始要(第一个)孩子:When are you going to start a~? 你们什么时候要孩子?

【说明】 family 为集合名词,作主语时谓语动词数的使用参见AUDIENCE。





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