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单词 fake
fake/feɪk/ nadj [无 comp];vt [-d,-d/t/;-eing / ɪ ŋ/]

n (1) 赝品,假货,伪造的东西(imitation of sthesp intended to deceive) [C]:The picture is a~. 那幅画是件赝品。There is a great number of~s in his art collection. 在他的艺术收藏品中有很多是赝品。〖同〗 imitation,deceit,deception,trick;

(2) 骗子,假冒者(person who pretends to be someone he is not) [C]:a medical~冒牌医生;The man pretended to be a lawyer,but he was really a~. 那人假装律师,实际上是个骗子。〖同〗 pretender,faker,deceiver;

adj 假冒的,伪造的(made in imitation of sth more valuable; false) [作 attrib]:a~diamond 假钻石;~money 假币;The document is~. 那份文件是伪造的。〖同〗 false,artificial,invented;〖反〗 real,actual;

vt(1) 伪造,假冒(make an imitation of sth in order to deceive) [T+n]:~a painting/sb's signature 伪造一幅画/某人的签名;~(up)a story/a report 编造一个故事/报告;The records are~d. 这些记录被伪造了。〖同〗 falsify;

(2) 伪(假)装(pretend in order to deceive) [T+n]:~illness/surprise 装病/假装吃惊;She was not really ill. She was just~ing. 她其实并没有病,只不过是在装样子。〖同〗pretend;

→′faker n 伪造(装)者;′fakery n 伪造;赝品;′fakement n 欺骗,假货





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