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单词 farm
farm/fɑ:m/ n & v

n(1) 农场(an area of landincluding fieldsbuildings and barnson which crops or animals are raised) [C]:work/live on a~在农场工作/生活;grow wheat on a~ 在农场种小麦;~machines/products/work 农用机器/农产品/农活;〖同〗 plantation;

(2) 农庄(舍) (farmer's house and buildings on a farm) [C]:give sb bed and meal at the~在农庄为某人提供食宿;

(3) 畜牧场,饲养场(place where particular animalsbirdsfishetc are bred and kept) [C]:a fish/pearl/stock~养鱼场/珍珠培植场/畜牧场;

→ ′farmhouse n 农舍;′farmstead n 农舍及附近的建筑物;′farmyard n 农家的庭院;

v(1) 经营农场,种田,从事农业(畜牧业) (engage in farming;grow cropskeep animalsetc) [I]:He~s in South America. 他在南美洲经营农场。

(2) 耕田(地) (cultivate (land)) [T+n]:How many acres does he~? He~s almost all his land. 他耕种多少亩地? 他几乎耕种他所有的土地。By the end of last year,nearly 30,000 acres of land have been~ed in that area. 到去年底,那个地区差不多有三万英亩土地被开垦。〖同〗 plant,plow,sow;

(3) 饲养(动物) (breed and keep animals) [T+n]:~pigs 养猪;

farm out (v adv) 1) 将农场的活儿分给别人干 (vt):The right to pick fruits on his farm was~ed out to the migrant workers. 在他的农场采摘水果的权利被转让给农业季节工人。2) 让别人照顾 (vt):The little girl was~ed out to the neighbours. 那个女孩被托付给邻居照顾。

→′farmer n 农民,农场主;′farming n 农业,耕种;

【注意】 如果是专门在农场长期从事农业工作,介词要用 on,见(1);但如果某人从事的不是农场里的工作,而是在农场周边干其他的工作,则应说 work at a farm。另外,如果是某个特定的农场,那么即使是在农场上工作也要用 at,如:He works at the Blackmoor Farm. (他在布莱克摩尔农场工作。)





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