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单词 fast
fast1/fɑ:st, AmE fæst/ adj & adv [-er/-est

adj(1) 快的,敏捷的,迅速的(moving quickly;rapid):a~game/reader/train 速度很快的比赛/快速阅读者/快车;~food 快餐;~work/music 迅速完成的工作/节奏很快的音乐;do a~job 工作做得很快;make a~trip/retreat 匆匆地旅行/迅速地撤退;Monkeys are very~animals. 猴子是很敏捷的动物。〖同〗 swift,quick,rapid,hasty,speedy;〖反〗 slow;

(2) 适合快速移动的(suitable for rapid movement):the~lane on a motorway 公路上的快车道;The racecourse is~er when it's dry than when it's wet. 赛道在干燥时比潮湿时利于车子跑得更快。

(3) (钟表) 偏快的(showing a time in advance of the correct time):My watch/clock is (ten minutes)~. 我的手表/闹钟快了(10分钟)。〖同〗 ahead;〖反〗 slow;

(4) 放荡的(disregarding conventional or moral standards;fond of spending too much time and money on pleasure):a~woman/liver 荡妇/浪荡子;lead a~life 过放荡的生活;have a reputation of being~有放荡的坏名声;〖同〗 wild,immoral,loose;〖反〗 upright,moral,steady,virtuous;

(5) 紧的,牢固的,稳定的(made firm;unlikely to move;fixed) [多作 pred]:keep/take a~grip/hold on sth 紧紧地抓住某物;be (stuck)~in the mud 牢牢地陷在泥中;Make sure the window/the boat is (made)~. 一定要把窗户关牢/把船泊好。make~the end of a rope to a post 将绳子的一头紧紧地拴在杆子上;〖同〗 secure,fastened,firm,steady,immovable,tight;〖反〗 loose,weak,movable,insecure,unstable;

(6) 忠实的,可靠的(loyal;firm) [作 attrib]:a~friend/friendship 忠实的朋友/持久的友谊;〖同〗 firm,enduring,durable,steady,loyal,devoted,lasting,faithful;〖反〗 unsteady,unstable,disloyal,unfaithful;

(7) 不易褪色的,耐久的(not liable to fade;permanent):~colour(s) 经久的颜色;This colour is~which will not wash out. 这种颜色耐水洗,不易褪色。〖同〗permanent,lasting,durable,unfading;

→′fastness n 坚固,迅速;

adv(1) 快(地),迅速地(quickly;rapidly):Take care! You are driving too~. 小心! 你开车太快。The lecturer spoke so~we could hardly follow him. 演讲人说得太快,我们几乎听不懂他在说些什么。He can swim~er than you can. 他游泳比你游得快。It's raining very~. 雨下得很急。〖同〗swiftly,rapidly,hurriedly;〖反〗slow(ly);

(2) 紧紧地, 牢固地, 坚定地 (firmly; securely):hold sth~/hold~to sth 牢牢地抓住某物;stand~against sb 在某人面前表现得很坚定;The window was~shut. 窗户紧闭着。be caught~in the trap 牢牢地困在陷阱里;be stuck~in the mud 深深地陷在泥里;〖同〗 firmly,fixedly,tightly,securely,immovably,solidly;〖反〗 loosely,insecurely;

(3) 完全地,深深地,酣畅地(deeply;soundly):be~asleep 酣睡;〖同〗soundly,fully,completely;

(4) (钟表) 偏快地(ahead of the correct time):My watch is running~again. 我的表又快了。〖同〗ahead;〖反〗slow,behind,late;

fast and furious 拼命地;飞快地:work~and furious 拼命工作;

hold fast to sth 坚持(信):hold~to one's principles 坚持原则;

play fast and loose (with sb/sth) 玩弄感情,行为不负责任:play~and loose with a girl's feelings/with an agreement 玩弄一个女孩子的感情/对协议出尔反尔





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