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单词 fall
fall/fɔ:l/ v fell /fel/,fallen /′fɔ:lǝn/]; n

v (1) 落(下),降(跌)落,下降(落) (go down freely or naturally from a higher to a lower level) [II+prepI+adv]:The snow/rain is~ing outside. 外面下着雪/雨。After the solo,the final curtain fell. 独唱之后,大幕最终落下。~into the river/down the stairs/out of the window 落入河中/从楼梯上跌落下来/从窗口掉落下来;The leaves~off from the trees in Autumn. 秋天树叶从树上落下来。The glass fell off and broke. 杯子掉下来摔破了。~ten feet 下落10英尺;〖同〗drop,plunge;〖反〗 rise,climb;
 (2) 降临(come down) [II+prep(on/upon)]:Darkness/Night fell upon the fields. 黑暗/夜晚降临在田野上。Fear fell upon the little boy. 那个小男孩感到害怕。A sudden silence fell over the audience. 观众中突然一阵寂静。〖同〗descend,drop;
 (3) 跌倒,倒下(塌)( come downdrop to the ground) [II+prep(over),I+adv(down/over)]:The girl slippered on the ice and fell. 那个女孩在冰上一滑摔倒了。~on/to one's knees 下跪/跪下;He fell over a stone and hurt his knee. 他被一块石头拌倒,摔伤了膝盖。A big tree has~en across the road. 一棵大树横倒在公路上。During the earthquake,80% of the buildings in the city fell (down). 地震时,那个城市有 80% 的建筑物倒塌。The boy fell over and broke his arm. 男孩跌倒了,摔断了胳膊。〖同〗collapse;〖反〗 rise,climb;
 (4) 下垂,垂下(hang down) [I+prep]:The material for the window curtain~s very nicely. 用作窗帘的材料垂度很好。The cloak fell over his shoulder. 那件斗篷从他的肩部垂下。Her long dark hair fell to her waist. 她那又黑又长的秀发一直垂到腰间。〖同〗 drop,slope,droop;
 (5) 减少(弱),降低,下降(跌) (become lower or less in intensityamountnumber) [I]:The temperature fell 5 degrees/to 6 degrees below zero. 气温下降了五度/降到零下六度。The value of gold fell sharply. 黄金的价格急剧下降。The price fell by 10%. 物价下降了10%。His voice fell to a whisper. 他的声音降成低声细语。The wind has~en. 风力减弱了. His spirits/face fell when he learned he had failed in the exam. 当他听说考试不及格时,情绪变得很低落/样子很沮丧。〖同〗 decline,decrease,cheapen;〖反〗rise,increase;
 (6) 倾(下)斜;(slope down) [II+adv(away/off)]:a meadow~ing (away) to the river 草原向河边倾斜;The hillside~s gently to the valley. 山坡缓缓地向山谷下斜。
 (7) 沦陷;失守;失去地位(be captured;lose one's positionoffice or power) [I]:The city fell to the enemy/during the rebellion. 那座城市被敌人攻陷/在叛乱中失守。When did the Conservative Government~? 保守党政府是什么时候倒台的? ~from power 丢掉权力;〖同〗 surrender;〖反〗 triumph;
 (8) 阵亡,战死(die in battle;be killed) [I]:~to sb's gun/to sb's rifle 死在某人的枪口下;Many soldiers fell fighting bravely/in the battle. 许多战士英勇战死/在战斗中阵亡。〖同〗 die;〖反〗 survive;
 (9) 堕落,失足(decline in moral standing;sin) [I](旧用法):be tempted and~受到诱惑而堕落;The man has~en so low. 那人竟如此堕落。〖同〗 sin;
 (10) (重音、目光等)落在……上(come to rest at a specified place) [I+prep(on/over)]:His eyes fell on the picture. 他的眼光落在照片上。A scream~s on my ears. 我听到一声尖叫。The stress/accent~s on the second syllable. 重音要落在第二个音节上。
 (11) 变(成)为,进入某种状态(enter a certain state or condition;become) [L+adjL+nI+prep (into)]:~asleep/ill/silent/lame/due 睡着/病倒/静下来/变成瘸子/到期;~in love (with sb) (与某人)相爱;~victim to the tiger 成为老虎的猎物;~an easy prey to a man's charms 轻易地为一个男人的魅力所征服;~into ruins/into a doze 成为废墟/打磕睡;〖同〗 become;
 (12) 恰(适)逢,发生(occur or become at a certain time;happen) [II+prep]:Easter~s much earlier this year. 今年的复活节要早得多。 My birthday/Christmas Day~s on (a) Saturday. 我的生日/圣诞节是个星期六。〖同〗occur,happen;
 (13) (无意中被)说出(to be utteredusually involuntarily) [II+prep]:The words/A sigh/Not a word fell from her lips. 她说出了那些话/发出一声叹息/一句话都没说。He promised not to let a word of the secret plan~. 他答应不把那个秘密计划说出去。
 (14) 属于;分成(……类) (come within the scope of another) [I+prep(into/within)]:~within the country's jurisdiction 隶属国家管辖;Most of the languages in the world~into different families. 世界上的大多数语言分属不同的语系。
 fall about (laughing/with laughter) (v adv) 禁不住大笑 (vi):The girls fell about laughing/with laughter when they saw the funny look on the boy's face. 当女孩子们看到那个男孩脸上滑稽的表情时不禁大笑起来。
 fall apart (v adv) 散开;崩溃 (vi):keep a marriage from~ing apart 阻止婚姻破裂;The corruptive government finally fell apart. 腐败的政府最终垮了台。
 fall away (v adv) 1) 逐渐低下去 (vi):The fields~away from here. 原野的地势从这里逐渐降低。2) 消失 (vi):The crowd began to~away. 人群开始散开。3) 疏远(某人) (vi):His friends began to~away from him. 他的朋友开始离他而去。
 fall back (v adv) 后撤(退) (vi):The enemy began to~back as we advanced. 随着我们的推进,敌人开始后撤。
 fall back on/upon (v adv prep) 依靠(赖) (vt):~back on friends/on one's own savings 依靠朋友/靠自己的储蓄;
 fall behind (v adv/prep) 落(在……之)后 (vi & vt):Hurry up! You are~ing behind. 快点! 你已经落后了。You'll have to work very hard if you don't want to~behind the others. 如果你不想落在别人后面,你必须非常努力才行。
 fall behind with (v adv prep) 迟交;逾期不付款或不做某事:(vt):Don't~behind with the rent/with your correspondence. 不要拖延房租/你要及时回信。
 fall down (v adv) 失败 (vi):It was in the oral test that he fell down. 他是在口试中失败的。He fell down on his job. 他的工作没有做好。
 fall for (v prep) 爱上;上当 (vt):He has~en for the girl. 他爱上了那个姑娘。She warned me not to~for his tricks. 她警告我不要上他的当。
 fall in (v adv) 1) 集合 (vt & vi):The soldiers were ordered to ~in at once. 命令士兵们紧急集合。The sergeant fell his men in on the square. 中士将他的士兵在广场上集合好。2) 倒(坍)塌 (vi):The roof/walls of the house fell in during the storm. 在暴风雨中房顶/房子的墙壁坍塌了。
 fall into (v prep) 1) 开始 (vt):~into conversation with sb 开始与某人交谈;2) 进入某种状态 (vt):~into a decline 开始逐渐衰退;3) (可)分成 (vt):~into three parts 分为三个部分;4) 养成 (vt):~into the habit of smoking 养成吸烟的习惯;
 fall in with (v adv prep) 偶尔遇到;同意 (vt):~in with some foreign tourists/someone's suggestions 碰巧遇见几个外国游客/同意某人的建议;
 fall into the habit of 养成……习惯:He has~en into the habit of getting up late. 他养成了晚起的习惯。
 fall off (v adv) 减少,(质量、水平等)下降 (vi):His enthusiasm has greatly~en off. 他的热情已大大地降低。The quality of the product fell off greatly. 产品的质量下降很严重。
 fall on/upon (v prep) 1) 向……猛攻(扑) (vt):~on the enemy 向敌人猛攻;The beggar fell on the food. 乞丐贪婪地大嚼食物。2) 由 …… 承(负)担 (vt):All the cost fell on his old father. 所有的花销都落在了他老父亲一人身上。
 fall out (v adv) 解散 1) (vi & vt):The soldiers fell out after the drill. 操练之后士兵们解散了。The Sergeant fell his men out. 中士让士兵们解散了。2) (v adv) 发生 (vi):Everything fell out as we had expected. 一切都像我们所预料的那样发生了。3) 争吵,闹翻 (vi):Why did you and your old friends~out? 你和老朋友们为什么闹翻?
 fall over oneself to do sth 极力(设法)做成某事:The father was ~ing over himself to satisfy his son's demands. 父亲千方百计地满足儿子的要求。
 fall through (v adv) 失败,没有成功(实现),成为泡影(vi): Unfortunately,our first plan fell through. 很不幸,我们的第一个计划失败了。
 fall to (v prep/adv) 1) 开始吃 (vi):The boys fell to with good appetite before everybody took their seats. 没等大家入席,孩子们便开怀大吃起来。2) 开始攻击 (vt):Without another word,they fell to. 他们二话没说便打了起来。3) 着手,开始 (vt):~to a task/a fighting again 开始执行一项任务/重新开战;4) 落到 …… 的身上 (vt):The work of cleaning the house fell to me again. 打扫房子的工作又落在了我的头上。
 fall under (v prep) 归(列)入……类;受到(影响) (vt):~under class A/sb's influence 列为一等/受到某人的影响;
 →′fallen adj 落(倒)下的,被攻克(推翻)的;′falling n;adj 下降,下落(物),下降的,落下的;
 n (1) 落下,跌倒(落) (act of falling from a higher or upright position) [C]:the~of a spacecraft toward the Mars 航天器向火星的降落;hurt oneself in a~from the horse 从马上掉下而摔伤;be hurt by a~由于跌落受伤;The~from the cliff killed the climbers. 那些登山者从悬崖上坠下摔死了。He had a bad~from the ladder and broke his ankle. 他从梯子上掉下来,摔伤了踝骨。Ainto the pita gain in your wit. (prov)吃一堑,长一智。Pride comes/goes before a~. (prov) 骄兵必败。〖同〗 plunge,descent,drop,falling,dropping,slip;〖反〗 rise,ascent;
 (2) 降雨(雪)量(quantity of sth that has fallen) [C] [N(of)]:a heavy~of rain 大量的降雨;a seven-inch~of snow 七英寸的降雪;rock~s 滚落的岩石;
 (3) 跌落的距离,落差(distance that sth falls) [C,尤 sing]:a~of three stories 跌落距离相当于三层楼房高;a ten-feet~/a~of ten feet 10英尺的落差;a river with a~of 5 metres in a hundred metres 河水每100米有5米落差;
 (4) 下降(跌),跌落(reduction in amountvalue or intensity) [C]:There was a sharp/steep~in prices/in temperature last week. 上周物价/气温急剧下降。Last Monday saw a steep~in stock prices. 上星期一股票价格大幅度下降。a~of the number of students going to college 大学生数量的下降;a~of one's income 收入的减少;〖同〗drop,decline,lowering,sinking,decrease,reduction;〖反〗 rise,climb,increase,advance;
 (5) 衰(陷)落,倒台,灭亡(capture or (political) defeat;collapse) [Uthe~] [N(of)]:the~of Rome/a government/Hitler 罗马的灭亡/政府的垮台/希特勒的覆灭;the rise and~of the Third Empire 第三帝国的兴亡;〖同〗 overthrow,capture,defeat,surrender,collapse;
 (6) 秋季(天) [C] (AmE;= autumn):in the~(of 1978) 在(1978年)秋天;last/a cold~去年/一个寒冷的秋天;two~s ago 两年前的秋天; F~is the most beautiful season here. 秋天是这里最美好的季节。~colours/fashions秋天的色彩/秋季时装;〖同〗 autumn;
 (7) (品德等) 降低,堕落(condition of becoming bad or worse) [C] [N (from)]:a~from virtue/grace 道德/品行的降低;the~of an honest man 一个老实人的堕落;What is the real reason of his~? 他堕落的真正原因是什么? 〖同〗ruin,slip,disgrace;
 (8) 瀑布(waterfall) [C,通常 pl]:the~s downriver/upstream 下游/上游的瀑布;Niagara F~s 尼亚加拉大瀑布;〖同〗 waterfalls;
 (9) (头发等的)下垂(hanging down) [C]:a~of long hair/a woman's hair 长发/妇女下垂的头发





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