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单词 fancy
fancy/′fænsi/ n [-y\ies];adj [-yier/-y\iest];v [-yies /z/;-yied,-yied/d/]

n(1) 想象(力) (power to imagine things in the mind) [U]:live in a world of~生活在幻想的世界里;indulge in flights of~沉溺在异想天开之中;by the power of~凭借想象力;a product of men's~人类想象的产物;〖同〗 imagination;

(2) 幻想出来的东西(thing that is imagined) [C]:the~ies of a poet 诗人的想象;have a live~有丰富的想象;cherish~ies about sth/sb 对某物/对某人抱幻想; He had a~that he could see the wind. 他有种幻觉 —— 他能看见风。Is it merely a~,or did I really hear a knock at the door? 是我真的听到了敲门声还是仅仅是我的幻觉? It can't be a fact;it's just your~. 这不可能是真的,那只不过是你的幻觉而已。〖同〗 illusion,vision,dream;〖反〗 certainty;

(3) (一时的)爱好,喜欢,迷恋(liking;fondness) [C,通常 sing] [N (for)]:I have a sudden~for some desserts/for going to the theatre tonight. 我一时心血来潮,想吃一些甜点/想晚上去看戏。〖同〗 liking,longing,fondness,preference,taste,desire;〖反〗 dislike,distaste;

catch/take sb's fancy/the fancy of sb 引起某人的喜爱;使某人注意:The hat in the shop-window has caught the girl's~. 橱窗里的帽子引起了那个女孩的注意。His new novel took the~of the readers. 他的新小说博得了读者的喜爱。

take a fancy to sb/sth (突然)喜欢上:The children took a~to the baseball star. 孩子们喜欢上了那个棒球名星。

→′fanciful adj 爱空想的,怪诞的;′fancifully adv 空想地,怪诞地;′fancifulness n 空想,怪诞;͵fancifi′cation n 空(幻)想;′fanciless adj 缺乏幻想的;

adj(1) 鲜艳夺目的;精美的(brightly coloured or decorated) [常作 attrib]:~wallpaper/diving/skating/goods 花花绿绿的贴墙纸/花式跳水/花样滑冰/华丽的商品;The clothes are too~for me. 这些衣服对我来说太花哨了。〖同〗showy,decorative;〖反〗 plain,undecorated;

(2) 不寻常的,异样的(not plain or ordinary):a~pair of shoes 一双别致的鞋;~dress/ball 化装服饰/化装晚会;〖同〗 unusual,special,distinctive,superior,exceptional;〖反〗 plain,ordinary,common,inferior;

(3) 根据想象创造的;空想出来的(based on imagination;not reasonable and so impossible):have some~ideas about 对……有过分的想法;

(4) (食品)特级(选,制)的,高档的((of food) not ordinary;chosen to please one's special taste) [作 attrib] (尤 AmE):~fruits/vegetables 精选水果/蔬菜;

(5) 特别培育的,品种珍贵的:(bred for special excellence of grade or quality) [作 attrib]:~birds/dogs/plants 珍品鸟/名贵犬/珍贵植物;

→′fancily adv 空想地,花哨地;′fanciness n 空想,花哨;

v(1) 认(以)为,觉得(suppose;believe) [T+that]:I~(that) he is angry/I know what you mean. 我想他生气了/我明白你的意思。Don't~you can do anything in your own way. 不要以为什么事都可以由着你的性子胡来。〖同〗 suppose,think,assume,imagine;

(2) 设想,想象(picture in one's mind;imagine) [D+n+nD+n+prep(as)]:Can you~yourself in wonderland/in a robe? 你能想象出自己到了奇境/穿着长袍的样子吗? He~ies himself a great painter/as an artist. 他自以为是个大画家/艺术家。〖同〗 imagine,picture;

(3) 喜欢(爱) (have a liking for;be fond of) [T+n] (BrE) (infml):He really~ies her. 他确实很喜欢她。I don't~people who talk like that. 我不喜欢那样说话的人。I don't~the idea of living in big cities/of walking in the rain. 我不喜欢住在大城市/在雨中散步的想法。〖同〗 like,want;

(4) 渴望得到,想要(like the idea of having or doing sth) [T+n]:Don't you~anything/a cup of tea? 你不想要点什么/一杯茶吗? What do you~for lunch? 午饭你想吃点什么? 〖同〗 like,want,favour,enjoy;

(5) (惊叹语) 想想(竟会如此);真没想到(会有这种情况) (used as an exclamation of mild surprise) [IT+nT+ing]:Just/Only~! 你想想看/想想吧! F~that! 真没想到! I can hardly~what a dishonest man he is/his saying such a thing. 我很难想象他是那样一个不诚实的人/他竟然会说出那样的话来。F~having to wait the whole afternoon/his saying a thing like that in front of so many people! 想想吧,要等上整整一个下午呢/他居然在那么多人面前说出这样的话来! And~you just sitting and never saying a word. 真没想到你会坐在那里一言不发。

→′fancied adj 想象出来的;′fancier n 玩赏家,空想家;

【辨异】 fancyimagination 都表示想象力。fancy指比较随意,有时是很有趣的虚构、 幻想或怪念头,如:the fancy of creating an unreal world (创造一个虚幻世界的想法);imagination 强调创造新想象和新思想的能力,将实际所见过的事情及经历在脑海里融合在一起,想象出往往并不存在的东西,如:Writers,poets and artists have rich imaginations. (作家、诗人及艺术家都有着丰富的想象力。)





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