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单词 faint
faint/feɪnt/ adj [-er/-est]; nvi [-eded/ ɪd/]

adj (1) 模糊的,不清楚的,不明显的,隐约的(indistinct;not clearly seensensed or heard):a~odour/colour/light 淡淡的香气/暗淡的颜色/昏暗的灯光;the~traces of an elephant's tracks 模糊的大象足迹;The sound of the plane grew~(er). 飞机的声音变得(越来越)小了。〖同〗indistinct,dim,faded;〖反〗bright,clear,distinct;

(2) 微弱的,轻微的(slight or small):a~chance/resemblance/encouragement 渺茫的机会/略显相似/微不足道的鼓励;There is still a~hope that the patient may be cured. 病人仍有一线治愈的希望。The sky was a~blue. 天空是淡蓝色的。I haven't the~est idea of what I should do. 至于该怎么做,我一点主意都没有。〖同〗 feeble,weak,slight,small,thin,little;〖反〗 strong,vigorous,considerable;

(3) 虚(衰)弱的(physically weak;tired):in a~voice 用虚弱的声音 ;be~with/from hunger 由于饥饿而变得很衰弱;feel~through lack of food 由于饮食不足而感到无力;The patient's heartbeats are~. 患者的心跳很弱。His strength/His breathing grew/became~. 他的力气/呼吸变得很微弱。〖同〗 feeble,weak,exhausted,fatigued;〖反〗 strong,steady,sturdy;

(4) 要晕倒(昏厥)的(about to lose consciousness) [作 pred]:make sb feel/cause sb to feel~让/使某人感到晕眩;The girl looks~. 那个女孩子看样子要晕倒了。〖同〗 dizzy,lightheaded;

(5) 无力的(weak;unlikely to succeed):make a~attempt to do sth 勉强尝试做某事;a~show of 软弱无力的样子;〖反〗strong;

→′faintly adv 无力地,微弱地;′faintness n 模糊,微弱;′faint-hearted adj 胆小的;不勇敢的;′faint-heartedness n 怯懦;′faint-heartedly adv 怯懦地;胆小地;

vi 昏厥,晕倒(lose consciousness for a short time) [II+prep]:She~ed from shock/because of the heat/on hearing the news of her father's death/when she read the telegram. 由于惊骇/由于酷暑/在听到她父亲的死讯时/当读到电报时,她晕了过去。〖同〗 collapse;

→′fainting n 昏厥;′faintingly adv 似将晕倒;′faintish adj 衰弱的;有些昏晕的;

n 昏厥(state of unconsciousness) [Ua~]:Her~gave everyone a fright. 她的昏厥把大家吓了一跳。go off in a~晕过去;fall (down)/collapse in a (dead)~昏倒;recover from a~从昏迷中醒过来





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