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单词 fashion
fashion/′fæ ⨜n/ n & vt

n(1) 方式,样子(way of doing sth) [Ua~]:behave in this/in similar/in friendly~以这种/相似的/友好的方式表现;walk in a strange/a peculiar/a graceful~以一种奇怪/特别/优美的方式走路;in the modern/the strangest~用现代/最离奇的方式;act after sb's~照某人的样子做;〖同〗 way,manner,attitude,behaviour;

(2) (服装的)式样;时髦;风气(尚) (the way of dressing or behaving which is popular at a certain time) [CU]:be dressed in/according to the latest~穿最时髦的衣服;man of~时髦人物;a new~in hairstyle 新发型;keep up with/follow the~赶/追时髦;What colour is in~this spring? 今年春天流行什么颜色? F~s for women's clothes change very frequently. 女子时装变化很快。~show/model/magazine 时装表演/时装模特/时装杂志;the~of the 1930's 20世纪30年代的时尚;It is the~to eat out nowadays. 现在风行去外面吃饭。〖同〗 style,mode,habit,craze,convention,form;

after/in a fashion 勉强,多少,马马虎虎:He speaks Chinese after a~. 他多少能说一点汉语。

after/in the fashion of sb 模仿某人的样子(风格):a novel (written) after/in the~of the realistic writers 模仿现实主义作家风格写成的小说;

be all the fashion 非常时髦,风行一时:Miniskirts were all the ~that year. 那一年超短裙曾风行一时。

be in fashion 时兴:“Are long skirts still in~now?” “No,they are already out of~. ” “长裙子现在还时兴吗?” “不,它们已经过时了。”

come into fashion 开始流行起来:I believe that jackets will come into~again soon. 我相信夹克衫很快会再次流行起来的。

be/go out of fashion 过时:It's quite out of~now. 现在那早已经过时了。

set a/the fashion 开创新时尚;创立新花样:set a~by wearing short hair 以留短发开创一种新风尚;

→′fashionable adj 流行的,时髦的;′fashionableness n 时髦,流行;′fashionably adv 时髦地,流行地;′fashioner n 创造者;′fashionist n 追求时尚者;

vt 作成……的形状(样子);将……塑造成(make into a particular form or shape) [T+nT+n+prep(from/into)]:~figures from clay 将泥做成泥人;~the piece of clay into a vase 用粘土做花瓶;~sb into a brilliant actor 将某人塑造成优秀演员;His character was~ed like his father's. 他的性格被塑造成他父亲的样子。〖同〗 shape,form,design,frame,devise,compose;

【辨异】 fashionstyle 均表示服饰、发型、言谈等方面的时尚。fashion 指在某一个特定的时期或团体中流行的时尚,如:the fashion in 1930's (20世纪30年代的风尚);style (风格) 常常用来代替 fashion,但 style 还可以强调情趣的高雅,如:She has an elegant style. (她的风度优雅。)





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