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单词 failure
failure/′feɪljǝ(r)/ n

(1) 1) 失败(state or act of failing) [U]:be doomed to~注定要失败;~in an examination 考试不及格;be upset/be affected by one's~被失败弄得心烦意乱/受到失败的影响;end in/meet with/invite~以失败告终/遭到失败/招致失败;What was the cause of her~? 她失败的原因是什么? His~to get the job surprised everybody. 他没能得到那份工作使每个人都感到惊讶。learn through~从失败中吸取教训;Fis the mother of success. (prov)失败是成功之母。2) (一次)失败(example of this) [C]:The policy was a~. 那项政策是个失败。He had many~s before finding the solution. 他经历多次失败之后才找到了解决方法。〖同〗failing;〖反〗 success,fulfillment;

(2) 失败的人(事),失败的尝试(经验) (unsuccessful personthing or attempt) [C]:a complete~as a businessman 彻底失败的企业家;turn out a~证明是一次失败;The party is an utter~. 晚会彻底失败了。〖同〗nonsuccess,mishap;〖反〗 success;

(3) 缺乏,不足,失灵(being not enough;the (instance) state of being unable to function as is needed or required) [UC]:the~of crops/of supplies 庄稼歉收/供给不足;a heart/a power/an engine~心脏衰竭/停电/发动机失灵;〖同〗 decline,breakdown;〖反〗 improvement,strength,strengthening;

(4) 疏忽,忘记,没能(做某事) ((instance of) fact of neglecting or forgetting;inability to do sth) [UC]:sb's~to arrive on time/to keep a promise 某人没有准时到达/没能履行诺言;the~to reach an agreement 没能达成协议;〖同〗 neglecting,negligence,nonperformance;〖反〗observance,care;

(5) 破产,倒闭(the act or an example of being unable to pay what one owes) [CU]:several bank~s 几起银行倒闭事件;the~of an old business 一个老企业的破产;〖同〗 bankruptcy,crash,ruin,collapse,downfall;〖反〗success,prosperity;

←fail v;n 失败,(考试)不及格,缺乏,失灵





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