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单词 burn
释义 burn2 /bxn; b?n/ vt, vi (pt, pp burnt /bxnt; bant/ or 或作 burned /bund; b?nd/) (For uses with adverbial particles and preps, 6 below.) (与副词接语及介词连用之用法,参看下列第 6 义。) 1 [VP6A] use for the purpose of lighting or heating: 燃烧(使发光或生热): Most large steamships now ~ oil instead of coal. 现在大多数的大轮船都烧油而不烧煤。 This lamp ~s oil. 这谗灯烧油。 We have ~ t all our logs. 我们所有的木柴都烧光了。 2 [VP6A, 14] ~ (to), damage, hurt, destroy by fire, heat or the action of acid: 烧毁; 焚毁; 烧伤; 烧焦; 烫伤; (被酸类)灼伤: Be careful not to ~ the meat:小心不要如禹卢焦了。 The coffee is very hot, don't ~ your mouth. 咖啡非常热,不要烫着了你的嘴。 You've ~ t my toast to a cinder! so that it is hard and black. 你把我的面包烤焦了! The child ~ t itself/ its fingers while playing with matches. 那孩手玩火柴烧伤了自己(烧伤了自己的手指)。 Some acids are strong enough to ~ wood. 有些酸类物酸性强得可以烧咬木头。 ~ one's fingers, → finger. '~ing glass n lens used to concentrate the sun's rays (to set fire to sth). (用以集中日光以取火的)凸透镜; 取火镜。 3 [VP2A, B, C] be on fire or alight; be capable of giving out light and heat: 燃烧; 灼热; 发光; 发亮; 能发出光和热: Wood ~s easily. 木头容易燃烧。 Stone won't ~. 石头不会燃烧。 All the lights were ~访 g. 所有的灯都亮着。 4 [VP6A] make by heat; heat (a material) to make (sth): 烧制; 寤 (材料)寸口热以制成(某物): ~ bricks/lime/charcoal; (在客中)烧砖(烧制石灰; 烧制木炭); ~ clay to make bricks; 烧粘土以制砖; ~ a hole in a carpet, eg by dropping a cigarette end. 把地毯烧一个洞(如因香痛头落鱼其上)。 5 [VP2A, C, 4A] be hurt or spoilt by fire or heat; scorch; be or feel warm or hot; (fig) be filled with strong feeling: 被烧坏; 被烧伤; 被烧焦; 被晒黑; 被晒伤; 发烧; (喻)发火(怒); 感情激动: The milk/sauce hds ~ t. 牛奶(调味汁)已烧焦。 She has a skin that ~ easily, is quickly hurt by the sun, 她的皮肤易被晒伤。 Her cheeks were ~ing with shame. 她的两颊因羞愧而发烧。 They were ~ing to avenge the death of their leader. 他们极为激动要为他们首领之死报仇。 6 [VP15B, 2C] (special uses with adverbial particles and preps): (与副词接语及介词连用之特殊用法): burn (sth) away, a continue to 继续燃烧: The fire was ~ing away cheerfully. 炉火融融。 b make, become less, by ~ing; destroy, be destroyed, by —irig: 因燃烧而消耗; 烧毁; 烧尽; 烧掉: Half the candle had ~ t away. 蜡烛已烧掉了一半。 An area of skin on his hand was ~ f away. 他手上的一块皮肤被烧毁了。 burn (sth) down, be destroyed, destroy to the foundations, by fire: 烧毁; 焚毁; 烧光; 烧尽: The house (was) ~ t down. 该房子整憧烧掉了。 ~ (down) (low), ~less brightly as the material ~s or the fuel is used. 因物质燃烧或燃料消耗而不如原先那样明亮或旺盛:(灯烛等)烧残; (灯火)将烧尽; 火力减弱。 burn (sth) out, a become extinguished: 熄灭; 烧完: The fire ~ t (itself) out. 炉火熄灭了。 b (of a rocket) use up its fuel. (指火箭)耗尽燃料; 燃料用罄。 c (of an electric motor, coil) stop working because high current has caused electrical ~ing. (指电动马达,线圈)因高电流而烧坏。 d (usu passive) be destroyed, be reduced to a shell, by fire; be gutted: (通常用被动语态)被焚毁只剩下一个空壳; 内部被焚毁: ~ t-out factories/tanks. 内部被焚毁的工厂徳车)。 ~ ones if out, ruin one's health by overwork, dissipation, etc. 因过度工作、生活放荡糸而毁了自己的健康。 burn (sth) up, a burst into flames, flare up: 迸出火光; 燃烧旺盛: Put some wood on the fire and make it ~ up. 加点柴在炉火上,使它烧旺一点。 b consume, get rid of, by ~ing: 烧掉; 焚化: We ~ t up all the garden rubbish. 我向将花囱中的垃圾全林焚化。 c (of a rocket, etc, re-entering the atmosphere from space) catch fire and be destroyed, (指火箭等,从太空重返大气层时)着火烧毁。 '~-up n (GB sl) high-speed race on a public road between young people on motorcycles. (英俚)靑年人驾机车在公路上彼此快速竞逐。




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