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单词 挖肉补疮

挖肉补疮剜肉医疮;剜肉补疮wā ròu bǔ chuāng

cut out a piece of one’s flesh to patch a boil—resort to a remedy worse than the ailment; take a stopgap measure detrimental to long term interests;rob Peter to pay Paul; sacrifice a make-shift to tide over a difficulty
❍ 纯碎是~! (杜鹏程《保卫延安》) 111) We’re just cutting off living flesh to patch a sore!/为难的是人欠我欠之间尚差六百光景,那只有用剜肉补疮的方法拼命放盘卖贱货,且捞几个钱来渡过了眼前再说。(《茅盾文集》Ⅶ—217) The difficulty was that there was a difference of about six hundred dollars between what people owed him and what he had to pay to others. He would have to take drastic measures and cut prices heavily. The idea was to scrape together some money to meet the present problem,then he would see.



挖肉补疮wā ròu bǔ chuānɡ

挖自己身上的肉,来补自己身上的疮。比喻拆东墙,补西墙。 resort to a remedy, worse than the ailment, rob Peter to pay Paul





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