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单词 admit
admit/ əd′mɪt/ v [-tt-;-ed,-ed / ɪd/]

(1)允许进入(allow to enter a place;let in)[T+nT+n+prep(into/to)]:Children are only~ted if accompanied by an adult.儿童只有在成人陪伴下才能入内。No one but ticket-holders was (to be)~ted.持票者才(可)允许入内。be~ted by the back door从后门放进去;The window/door~s plenty of light/fresh air.这窗户/门能进大量光线/新鲜空气。~sb into a theatre/a house 允许某人进入剧院/房子;The doorkeeper/host~ted him into the room.看门人/主人让他进房间。~sb to a drawing-room/the opening ceremony/a concert 允许某人进入客厅/出席开幕式/出席音乐会;One ticket~s two people to the party/the show.一张票允许两人参加宴会/参观展览。〖同〗let in;〖反〗exclude;

(2)接纳(accept sb into an organizationgrouphospitalschool as a new memberpatientpupil)[T+nT+n+prep(in/into/to)]:The school~s one hundred new children every year.这所学校每年招收100名新生。The hospital~ted all the accident victims.这所医院收下了事故的所有受害者。He was~ted to (the) hospital with an ulcerated leg/with minor burns/suffering from burns.他因腿溃疡/轻度烧伤/受烧伤被收入院。~sb to the bar/to full membership of the academy 接纳某人加入法律界/成为学会的正式成员;~a student to a college/a school 收一学生入大学/学校;

(3)可容纳(have space or room for)[T+n]:The church/theatre~s 1000 people (persons). 这教堂/剧院可容纳1000人。The harbour ~s large liners.这海港可停靠大型客轮。

(4)承(供)认(acknowledge sth (usu badunpleasant) as trueoften reluctantly;confess)[T+nT+thatC+n+to-infT+n+-edT+-ingI+prep(to)]: ~one's mistake/one's fault/one's crime/one's guilt 承认错误/过失/罪行/罪过;Never~defeat.决不要认输。This meant~ting defeat.这意味着承认失败。The error must be~ted.这错应该承认。This,I~,was wrong.我承认这是错的。~that one has made a mistake/one is beaten/sb has a point 承认犯了错误/被击败/某人有理;I must~that you are right.我应该承认你是对的。“I don't know,” the man~ted.“我不知道,”那人承认道。~oneself to be beaten/sb to be mad/a task to be difficult 承认自己被击败了/某人疯了/一任务难以完成;It is~ted to have been a mistake.这一点已被承认是个错误。Even the optimists~the outlook to be poor.甚至连乐观者都承认前景不妙。~oneself beaten 承认自己被击败了;~having made a mistake/taking bribes/stealing 承认犯了错误/受贿/偷窃;~to the murder/a natural fear/being wrong/feeling proud of it 承认谋杀/有一种天生的惧怕/错了/对此感到自豪;〖同〗acknowledge,confess;〖反〗deny;

(5)容许,有……的余地(leave the possibility of sth;allow)[T+nI+prep(of)][不用prog](fml):This~s of other explanations than the one you have given.除了你这种解释之外,这件事还有别的解释。The regulation~s of variation/no exception/your doing that.这规则容许通融/不容许有例外/容许你做那事。The problem~s of no solution.该问题无法解决。The facts~s of no contradiction.事实无法反驳。The case~s of no publicity.这案子无法公开。The plan ~s of no improvement.这计划没有修改的余地。The conduct~s of no excuse.这行为没有解释的余地。The position~s of no delay.形势紧急,刻不容缓。The word (sentence)~s of no other meaning/interpretations.这个字(句子)没有别的含义/解释。Such a decisive refusal~s of no further discussion.这么断然拒绝就没有再讨论的余地了。Circumstances do not~of this.环境不允许这样。〖同〗allow,permit;

→ ad′mitted adj 承认的;ad′mittedly adv 应该承认(置于句首);ad′mittance n 准许进入;入场权;ad′missible adj 可接受的;值得采纳(考虑)的;ad͵missi′bility n 可接受(采纳);ad′missibly adv 可接受(采纳)地;inad′missible adj 不可接受的;不值得采纳(考虑)的;ad′mission n;







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