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单词 advice
advice/ əd′vaɪs/ n [-s / ɪz/]

(1)忠告,意见,建议(suggestions to a person about what to do or how to behave)[U]:act on/follow/take/ask for/have/ignore sb's~遵照/按照/采纳/征求/得到/不理睬某人的忠告;get a lawyer's~on the matter 得到律师关于此事的建议;want~on how to work 想要关于如何工作的忠告;go to sb for~on sth 去征求某人关于……的意见;Thank you for such good~.谢谢你的宝贵意见。give/offer sb some~给某人提些忠告;seek/take legal~请教律师;seek the~of a solicitor in the matter of sth 就有关……的事情请教律师;a piece/a bit/a few words/a word of~on sth 一条/一点/几句/一句关于……的意见;My~to you would be to speak the truth.我对你的忠告是说实话。〖同〗counsel,suggestion,recommendation,opinion,view;

(2)(商业等)通知((esp commerce) formal notice from a distant place giving information about delivery of goods)[C,通常pl]:The~s from official sources leave no doubt about it.这些正式通知表明这是无可置疑的。I haven't received this month's~from the bank.我没收到这个月的银行通知。A~from abroad indicates/informs that war is about to begin.国外消息表明/说战争即将开始。an~note 正式通知;〖同〗information,news,message,word;

→ ad′vise v;

【用法】注意用于第(1)义时不可说an~,而要说a piece of~等;涉及到具体内容时,用介词on或in the matter of;有时可用about,但严格讲来是不正确的。第(2) 义属于商业行话。

【辨异】advicecounselrecommendation都可当“劝告”、 “建议”讲;advice为通常用语,多指经验、学识较高、较丰富者所提出的关于行为和行动的具体意见,也可指一般意见;counsel (劝告,意见,建议)为正式用语,指深思后的高明意见,如:counsel about sb's career(关于某人职业的建议);recommendation(劝告,建议)指可听可不听的一般看法,如:refuse to accept sb's recommendation(拒不采纳某人的意见);另外,suggestion(建议)指婉转提出的试探性“建议”,如:have a suggestion to make(有个建议要提);proposal也是“建议”(正式提出者),如:second a proposal(赞成一提案)。





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