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单词 admission
admission/ əd′mɪ ʃn/ n

(1)准入,接纳(allowing or being allowed to enter a buildingschoolsociety)[U][N(to,into)]:pay for/apply for/gain/give sb/be refused~to a place 付款/申请/得以/让某人/被拒绝进入……;gain~through a broken window 从一破窗户进入;~to a theatre/an exhibition/a school允许进入剧院/展览/学校;~to a meeting/a baseball game允许参加会议/棒球赛;application for~to the party 入党申请;~into the army 入伍;~to the bar 允许进入法律界;the~of a country to the United Nations/a new state to the Union 接纳一个国家进入联合国/一个新的州加入联邦;tighten up the~of immigrants into a country 严格控制移民进入一个国家;A~is restricted to members/ limited to women.只有会员/妇女才可以接收。A~is by examination only.只有通过考试才可以接收。No~is allowed after 6 pm.下午6点后一律不准进入。They charge £1 for~.入门收费一英镑。There is an~charge.入场要收费。A~is free.入场不收费。free~免费入场;an~fee 入门费;A~by ticket only.凭票入场。No~without tickets/a pass. 无票/通行证不许入内。〖同〗admittance;

(2)入场费,门票费(price charged or paid to enter a place)[U]:charge £1~收入门费一英镑;pay £2~付两英镑门票费;pay~交入门费;A~(to the lecture/to the show) is $3.(讲座/展览)入场费为三美元。A~—one shilling.入门费为一先令。

(3)承(供)认(statement acknowledging that sth (usu badunpleasant)is true;confession)[U][N(of),N+that]:make an~of one's theft/that one has stolen sth 承认偷窃/偷了东西;~of guilt/failure 承认有罪/失败;〖同〗acknowledgement, confession;〖反〗denial;

by/on one's own admission 据某人自己承认:He is a coward by his own~.他自己承认是个胆小鬼。

← ad′mit vt;

【辨异】admissionadmittance都可表示“允许进入”。admittance为正式语体用语,仅指进入某一场所,且可能被拒绝,如:Private.No admittance.(私宅,不许入内!)admission则为常用语,可指进入某一场所,更多指进入组织、团体等,往往要交费或获得允许;还可当“入场费”讲(admittance不可)。entrance也表示“进入”,但“允许”的意义很弱,如:Entrance is by way of the side door.(从侧门进。)





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