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单词 advance
advance/ əd′vɑ:ns,AmE -′væns/ v [-d,-d /d/;-eing / ɪ ŋ/];n [-s / ɪz/ ]

v(1)(使)前进,推进((cause to)move forward)[II+prep((up)on/towards/against),I+n+prepT+n]:Did they~or retreat? 他们是前进了还是退却了? rows of~ing enemy tanks 一排排向前挺进的敌军坦克;The crowd/army/soldiers~d on (towards) the town.人群/军队/士兵们朝城镇前进。~towards one's objective/the fort/the enemy向目标/城堡/敌人前进;The army~d to (or as far as) the outskirts of the capital.那支部队推进到了首都外围。The troops~d 100 miles.部队推进了100英里。The general~d his troops at dawn.将军让他的部队黎明时向前推进。~the ball a few yards 带球前进几码;〖同〗progress;〖反〗retreat,withdraw;

(2)(使)进展(步),促进((help) make progress or improve)[IT+n](fig):The work/Civilization has~d during the time.工作/文明在这期间有了进展。Their plans are~ing well.他们的计划进展顺利。~ing technology 不断发展的技术;~in one's career/one's studies/one's knowledge 事业/学业/知识上有长进;~science/industrialization/sb's knowledge of sth/sb's growth促进科学/工业化/某人对某事的了解/某人的成长;~sb's chances of promotion/sb's interests增加某人的提升机会/利益;Scientific research~s knowledge.科研促进知识增长。〖同〗improve,further,increase;〖反〗decrease,lessen;

(3)(使价格,价值,花费等)上涨((cause to)increase or rise)[IT+n](少用):Property values/Costs were~ing.房地产价格/成本在上涨。Sugar has~d two cents a pound.糖每磅涨价二分。The shopkeepers~d the prices.店主们提高物价。

(4)(使)晋升((cause to) be promoted as to a higher rank)[I+prep(to),T+n+prep(to)]:(be)~d to (the rank of) captain(被提)升为上尉(军衔);He worked so well that he soon~d/his employer soon~d him to a higher position.他工作很出色,很快升到/老板很快把他提升到一个更高的职位。~a man from private to sergeant 把一个人从列兵提升为中士;〖同〗promote;

(5)提出(present or make (a suggestionproposaletc))[T+n](fml):~a suggestion/a plan/a claim/an opinion/a new theory提出建议/计划/要求/意见/新理论;~a new scheme for saving money提出一个省钱的新方案;〖同〗offer;〖反〗withhold;

(6)提前(move from a later to an earlier date or time)[T+nT+n+prep]:~the date of a meeting/the deadline(from 20 to 10 March)将会议日期/最后期限(从3月20日)提前(到3月10日);It is impossible to~the date of the wedding.婚期不可能提前。~a watch one hour 把表倒拨一小时;〖反〗postpone;

(7)预付;贷(款)(pay before the due time;lend (money))[D+n+nD+n+prep(to)]:The bank~d him £1000.银行贷给了他1000英镑。His employer~d him a month's salary/a week's pay/£10 against next week's wages.雇主预付了他一个月的工资/一周的报酬/下周工资中的10英镑。~sb the money for a suit 预付某人一套衣服的钱;

→ ad′vancement n 促(增)进;晋(提)升;ad′vanced adj 年事高的;高级(深)的;先进的;ad′vantage n;

n(1)前进(forward or onward movement)[C,通常sing]:The enemy's~on the fort was halted/checked/stopped.敌人向城堡的前进停住了/阻止住了/停住了。a ten-yard~(an~of ten yard)前进10码;the~of the fire through the grass 火在草地上蔓延;the~of an expedition 探险队的前进;With the~of winter,the days grow shorter.随着冬天的到来,白天越来越短了。〖同〗movement;〖反〗retreat;

(2)进展(步)(progress)[U]:the continued~of civilization 文明的继续发展;the~of old age 老年的到来;make no~on the house last winter去年冬天建房无进展;His~in the firm led him from stockboy to president.他在公司逐级提升,从卸货小工干成了总裁。〖同〗progress;

(3)进步,发展(development;improvement)[C][N(in)]:recent~s in space travel/computer design/science/education 宇宙飞行/电脑设计/科学/教育方面最近的发展;The motor vehicle was a great~on the horse and carriage.机动车对于马车来说是巨大的进步。make great~s in medicine/medical science 在医学/医学科学上取得巨大进展;~of technology 技术的进步;〖同〗improvement,advancement;

(4)涨价,增长(rise or increase in pricevalue or amount)[C][N(on)](少用):“Any~on £100 for the watch?”called the auctioneer.拍卖人喊道:“这块表有出100英镑以上的吗? ” a price~涨价;

(5)预支款;贷款(payment made before the due timeor for work only partially completed;loan)[C][N(of)]:ask for/have an~on one's salary (of a month's pay) 要/得到预支的薪水(一个月工资);give (make) sb an~on his salary 给某人预支薪水;get an~on one's allowance 预支津贴;We'll give the author an~of £1000 on his book.我们将给作者预支1000英镑的稿费。〖同〗prepayment;

(6)接近,献殷勤,求爱(attempts or efforts made to win sb's friendshipsexual relationship or favour)[pl] [N(to)]:make~s to a woman/a minister 向女子献殷勤/接近部长;refuse/reject/spurn sb's~s 拒绝/拒绝/轻蔑地拒绝某人的求爱;Did you have difficulty in escaping his~s? 你很难摆脱他的纠缠吗?

(7)先行的(going or coming before)[作attrib]:an~party/guard/post 先遣队/前卫部队/前卫哨;the~troops 先头部队;the~sale of tickets 提前售票;an~copy of a book 样书;make an~booking/payment 预订/预付;give sb~warning/notice of a person's departure 就一个人的离去预先警告/通知某人;

in advance 1)提前,预先:pay the rent/know sth/book/make arrangements in~提前交租金/知道/订购/安排;2)在(靠)……之前:stand a little distance in~ 站在靠前一点的地方;

in advance of sth/sb 超(在)……之前:walk 4 yards in~(of sb)在(某人)前面四码之处走;send sb in~of the main force 派某人走在主力部队之前;be in~of the age/one's time/one's friends 先于时代/时代/朋友们;have some meetings of the committee in~of the conference 在正式大会之前委员会先开几次会;

【说明】动词advance用于(1)义时,towards表示运动方向,on除表示方向外,还有进攻或攻占的意思;to或as far as表示运动所到之处。

【辨异】1 )动词advanceproceed都可当“前进”讲。advance强调朝一固定目标或目的地前进;proceed则为“继续前进”,即从某一中途点朝目标前进。2)名词advanceadvancement语义不同。 advance指事物自身的行为结果,意为“前进”、“进步”或“进度”,如:one's advance through the enemy ranks(穿过敌人队列的前进);advancement指外力促使事物产生的行为结果,意为“提出”、“促进”或“提升”,如:one's advancement through the ranks(军衔的一级级提升)。又如:the advance of science(科学的发展);the advancement of science(促进科学(发展))。





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