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单词 against
against/ ə′ɡenst, -′ɡeɪnst/ prep

(1)反对(in opposition to;not in favour of):Are you for or~the proposal/the motion/the idea? 你赞成还是反对这个提议/动议/主意? He's~giving votes to women/her buying a car.他反对给妇女选举权/她买车子。speak/vote~a plan (person)讲话反对/投票反对一个计划(人);The tiger fought/struggled~the lion.虎与狮斗。There were 50 votes~her and only 11 votes for her.50票反对她,只有11票赞成她。His action is~her will/her wishes/the law/the rule.他的行动违反了她的意愿/她的愿望/法律/规则。a fight/ strike~poverty反对贫穷的斗争/罢工;a war~Napoleon反对拿破仑的战争;a warning~a danger防止危险的警告;〖反〗for;

(2)(顶,冒)逆着(in a course or direction opposite to):sail~the current/the stream/the tide/the wind 逆流/逆水/逆潮/顶风航行;〖反〗with;

(3)预(御)防(as a defence or safeguard from):take medicine/take precautions/have injection~a disease吃药/采取预防措施/打针防病;The child had a vaccination~tuberculosis.这孩子接种了防结核病的疫苗。protect plants~frost 保护植物不受霜冻;warn people~pickpockets 提醒人们小心扒手;wear gloves~the chill 带手套御寒;use arms~the enemy 使用武器抗击敌人;guard~possibility of fire 预防可能的火患;

(4)以备(in preparation for;in anticipation of):save money~old age存钱防老;store up grain~winter储粮备冬;keep a room ready~unexpected visitors准备好房间以备不速之客;

(5)向(朝)着(in the direction of and meeting):The heavy rain beat~the window(-panes).大雨击打着窗户(玻璃)。The waves dashed~the shore.浪击拍着岸。The wind blew~the wall.风吹向墙。

(6)倚(靠)着(in contact with;touchingesp for support):lean/sit/stand~the railings 倚在栏杆上/倚栏杆坐着/倚栏杆站着;stand with one's back~the wall 背靠墙站着;press one's nose/one's face~the glass 把鼻子/脸贴在玻璃上;

(7)撞(碰)着(in sudden contact withas a result of collision):strike one's fist/bang one's head/kick~a wall拳击/头撞/脚踢墙;fall~the wall 跌撞在墙上;

(8)对照,对着(in front of and often in contrast to a background):The statue looks good~that light wall.那雕像在浅色墙壁衬托下显得很好看。The skier's red clothes stood out clearly~the snow.滑雪者的红衣服在白雪的衬托下很醒目。The tower was black~the evening sky.在夜空的背景下那塔是黑的。see the gray summit of the mountain~a brilliant background of blue sky 看见灰色的山峰衬托在湛蓝的天空上;dark colours~a light background 浅色背景上的深颜色;

(9)对(交)换(in return for sth):What's the rate of exchange~the dollar? 美元的兑换率是多少?A~the US dollar its value increased by 10 percent.其与美元的比值增长了10%。

over against 面对面:They live over~the theatre.他们住在那剧院对面。





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