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单词 adequate
adequate/′ædɪkwət/ adj

(1)足够(量)的,充分的(fully sufficient for the purpose)[A(to/for)]:My wages are/$10 a week is~to support a family.我的工资/每周10美元足够养活一家人。My earnings are/salary is~to (for) my needs.我的收入/薪水足可满足我的需要。There were~food for our needs 有足够的食物可满足我们的需要。The supply is not~to the demand.供不应求。take~food for a holiday 带足够的食物去度假;have~ground for a divorce 有足够的离婚理由;have no~proof 没有足够的证据;take~precautions 采取足够的预防措施;receive an~salary 得到足够的薪水;a country with~rainfall 雨水充足的国家;There was~rain and snow.有足够的雨和雪。〖同〗sufficient,enough;〖反〗insufficient,inadequate;

(2)刚够(量)的(only just sufficient):have~food but none to waste 食物刚够,不可浪费;

(3)足够好的,适合的(fully suitable)[A(to)]:He proved~to the job.他表明是胜任这项工作的。His abilities were not~to the demands and responsibilities of his position.他的能力不足以适应所担职务的要求和责任。Roads should be~to traffic.道路应该符合交通的要求。Their accommodation was barely~.他们的膳宿尚可。think of an~answer 想出一个合适的答案来;do some~research 进行某种像样的研究;an~diet 像样的饮食;〖同〗satisfactory,suitable;〖反〗inadequate,unsatisfactory,unsuitable;

(4)刚好的,尚可的(only just suitablebut not really good):Our hotel room wasn't luxurious,but it was~.我们旅馆的房间不豪华,但还可以。give only an~performance 只进行了凑凑乎乎的表演;〖同〗passable;

→′adequately adv 充分地,很好地;′adequateness n 充分,胜任;′adequacy n 充分,胜任;

【用法】 1)其后一般接介词to,偶尔可用for; 2)因adequate意为just sufficient,所以不可说adequate enough或more adequate,但可说:The time for the work is more than adequate.(干这工作的时间绰绰有余。)






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