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单词 age
age/eɪdʒ/ n [-s / ɪz/];v [-s / ɪz/,-d,-d /d/;-ing or -eing / ɪ ŋ/]

n(1)年龄(amount of time that a personanimal or a thing has existed)[CU]:What~is she?(What is her~? = How old is she?) 她多大? She's five years of ~(= five years old).她五岁。What was your~last birthday? 上次生日时你多大?“What~s are your sons?” “Their~s are five and seven.”“你的儿子们多大了?”“一个五岁,一个七岁。” “At what~did he die?”“他多大年纪时死的?” “(He died) at the~of 56/in the fifty-sixth year of his~(fml)/in his fifty-sixth year (infml).”“(他)56岁时(死的)。”be (of)/look the same~是/看样子同年龄; be twice sb's~是某人年龄的两倍;be about sb's~与某人年龄相近;be of an~with sb与某人同龄;be (of) sb's~与某人同龄;I have a daughter of your~.我有一个与你同龄的女儿。When I was (at) your~I used to write novels.我在你这么大时写过小说。look one's~看起来像某人的实际年龄;look older than one's~显得比实际年龄大;tell sb's~说出某人的年龄;a man of/past middle~中年人/过了中年的人;live to a great~活到高龄;reach the~of 80 活到80岁;in one's old~在老年的时候;under/over the~of twenty 不足/超过20岁;You should never ask a lady's~.决不要问女士的年龄。~limit 年龄限制;〖同〗lifetime;

(2)老(晚)年(later part of the life of a person or sth)[U]:His back was bent/ Her face wrinkled with~.由于年纪大他的背驼了/她的脸长皱纹了。Wisdom comes/ Wine improves with~.人越老越贤明/酒由于年头长而变得更醇。feel one's~感觉老了;You can see plenty of signs of~in this building.这座大楼到处可见年代已久的痕迹。〖反〗youth,childhood;

(3)(界限)年龄(particular time of life at which a person becomes able or not able to do sth)[U,(C)]:be/come/become of~(到)成年(年龄)(通常为18岁或21岁);(be)of an~达到该做某事的年龄;under/over~低于/超过(规定)年龄;the~of discretion/consent 懂事年龄/同意年龄(可答应发生性关系的年龄);the awkward~(将近成年前的)尴尬年龄;at a tender~(of tender~)在不成熟的年龄;

(4)时代,世纪(distinctive period of history or geology)[C,通常sing]:the Ice/ Bronze/Iron/Stone/Elizabethan A~冰河/青铜/铁器/石器/伊丽莎白时代;the modern/nuclear/atomic/space~当代/核子时代/原子时代/太空时代;live in a highly civilized~生活在一个高度文明的时代;the A~of Shakespeare/the Roman emperors莎士比亚/罗马诸皇时代;the~of the microchip/dinosaurs 微型集成电路/恐龙时代;the Middle A~s 中世纪;the spirit of the~时代精神;be behind the~落后于时代;This machine was the wonder of the~.这机器是那个时代的奇迹。〖同〗era,epoch,period;

(5)很长时间(very long time)[C,通常pl](infml):It's (been)~s/an~since I had a real holiday.我有很长时间没有真正度假了。It seemed an~before we arrived.似乎过了漫长的时间我们才到达。We have been waiting for~s/an~.我们等了很长时间啦。She has not written to me for~s.她有很长时间没给我写信了。It took her~s/an~to dress.她穿衣服费了很长时间。She took~s/an~to dress.她穿衣服要费很长时间。The earth changed as the~s passed.地球随着漫长年代的逝去而变迁。

→′age-group,′age-bracket n 年龄段;某一年龄的人;′ageless adj 长生不老的;永恒的;′age-long adj 长期(久)的;′age-old adj 古老的;久远的;′ageism,agism n 对老年人的歧视;

v(1)(使)变(苍)老((cause to) become old or show signs of age)[IT+n]:He is~ing fast.他在迅速衰老。He has~d a lot.他老了许多。After her husband's death she~d quickly.丈夫死后她很快就变老了。be~ing gracefully 老而风韵不减;The worry/strain/tragedy~d him rapidly.忧愁/紧张/悲惨事件使他很快变老了。Her troubles have~d her.她的烦恼使她变老了。find sb~d 发现某人老了;

(2)(使)变陈((cause or allow winecheesewoodetc to)become mature by keeping or treating)[T+nI]:Wine is~d in barrels and then in bottles.酒放在桶里陈化后倒进瓶里再陈。The wine~d well.这酒存放多年,已很醇了。The cheese was~d for two years before being ready for market.这奶酪出售前陈了两年。He~d the wood for several months.他把那木料搁置干化了好几个月。〖同〗mature,ripen;

→′ageing,aging n 衰老;变陈;aged adj;

【辨异】ageeraepochperiod都有“时代”之意,往往可以通用,如:the Elizabethan age/era/epoch/period(伊丽莎白时代);age和period为普通用语,era和epoch 为较正式用语,常可互换;age通常指相当长的时间,与名人或某一显著特点有关;era指一个较长的时期,可分为多个period,指发生巨大变革的时代,如:an era of invention(一个发明时代);epoch 则指一个era的开始;period可长可短,可包含多个epoch,具有某一特征,如:a period of expansion(扩张的时代)。





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