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单词 advantage
advantage/ ə′dɑ:ntɪdʒ, AmE -′væn-/ n [-s / ɪz/];vt [-s / ɪz/;-d,-d /d/;-eing / ɪ ŋ/]

n(1)有利条件,优势(点)(good point or favourable feature (that may help one to be successful or to gain a desired result))[C][N(over/of)]:have/gain/win/give an~over an opponent有/获得/赢得/给予强于对手的优势;The adult has a great~over the child.成年人的优势大大胜过小孩。He has an~over me in that he can make a dress.他会做衣服,这点比我占优势。have/get the~of sb 比某人占优势;You have the advantage of me.你知道我所不知道的事情(或:你认识我,我却不认识你)。have the~of a good education/a steady job/living in a big city/being born into a good family 具有受过良好教育/有一个固定工作/生活在大城市/出身于名门的优越条件;the~of electricity/sun power/city life 电/太阳能/城市生活的优越性;〖同〗superiority;〖反〗disadvantage;

(2)利益,益(好)处(benefit;profit)[U]:He thinks nothing but his own~.他只考虑自己的利益。gain~from one's visit to London 从访问伦敦中受益;There's no~in losing your temper.你发脾气没好处。It would be of no~to you to do so. 这么做不会对你有什么好处的。All their efforts have been to no~.他们的努力一直毫无效果。What's the~of using nuclear power? 使用核动力有什么好处?It is/It works to one's~to have travelled widely.去的地方多对人有好处。More practice/voice training will be to your~.更多的实践/嗓音训练将会对你有好处。be of no ~to sb 对某人没好处;〖同〗benefit, profit;〖反〗disadvantage;

have an advantage over 优于,胜过:She had an~over you in that she could sing beaulifully.她能唱得很好,这比你强。

take advantage of 1)(乘机)利用:take full~of all one's opportunities/the facilities/fine weather/the moment 充分利用一切机会/设备/好天气/时机;2)欺骗,引诱:take~of sb's generosity/good nature/trustfulness/lack of experience利用某人的慷慨/好心肠/易相信人/缺乏经验而欺骗之;take~of friends/small children欺骗朋友/小孩子;He took~of her in the woods.他在树林里诱奸了她。

to advantage 使效果突出:The dress shows off her figure to (her best)~.这衣裙把她的体形(极好地)衬托出来了。Hang the picture somewhere where it will show up to ~.把这幅画挂在效果好的地方。

turn sth to (one's (own)) advantage 利用,使……有用:turn one's knowledge/one's experience to~in one's new business 在新的工作中发挥出知识/经验的作用;

← ad′vance v;

→͵advan′tageous adj 有利(益)的;͵advan-′tageously adv 有利(益)地;͵disad′vantage n 弊端,短处;

vt 对……有利(益)(be of profit to sb;benefit)[T+n]:In what way will it~them? 这会怎样对他们有利?

【注意】注意下列成语中冠词和介词的使用:have anover sb;have/get theof sb;have theof sth;

【辨异】advantagebenefitprofit都可表示某种益处。advantage指由于优势而获得的益处;benefit指提高福利或改进个人或团体状况的益处,如:a benefit to society(对社会的益处);profit指物质(钱财)或精神上的任何获益,还当“利润”讲,如:profit from trade/experience(从贸易/经验中得到的收益)。





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