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单词 affair
affair/ ə′feə(r), AmE -′fer/ n

(1)事情(件)(thing that happens;event;a particular action)[C,尤sing]:When did this~happen? 这事什么时候发生的? conduct an enquiry into the whole~对整个事件进行调查;settle/investigate an~处理/调查一事件;an~of great importance 一件极为重要的事;a sad/scandalous~可悲的事情/丑闻事件;the Suez/Kennedy~苏伊士运河事件/肯尼迪事件;The ball was a merry/noisy/glittering~.那次舞会是一次欢聚/一场闹剧/一件盛事。The wedding was a grand/quiet/enjoyable~.婚礼很壮观/简单/愉快。The plane crash was a terrible~.那次飞机失事是件可怕的事情。〖同〗occasion;

(2)已做或待做的事(thing (to be) done;concern;matter)[Csing]:It's not my~(It's no~of mine).这不关我的事。It's my~;it doesn't concern you at all.这是我的事,与你毫无关系。What I do in my spare time is entirely my own~.我在业余时间做什么完全是我的私事。Setting one's hair is a 20-minute/complex~.做头发是件20分钟/复杂的事情。a private~私事;〖同〗concern,business;

(3)(个人或公共)事务(matters of personal business or public concern)[pl]:settle one's~s 付清债务(账单等);put one's~s in order 把自己的事情处理好;Stop interfering in my~s.停止干涉我的事情! Her business~s are in a very confused state.她的事情一团糟。meddle in sb's~s 干涉某人的事情;Why should you be so interested in my~s? 你为什么对我的事这么感兴趣? Mind your own~s.操心你自己的事情吧。deal with/be busy with~s of state 处理/忙于国务;foreign/world/international/internal~s国外/世界/国际/内部事务;financial/home/current~s财务/内政/时事;a specialist in Eastern European~s 东欧事务专家;〖同〗matter,business,undertaking,activity;

(4)东西,物件(an objectthingetc not specifically described;thing)[C](infml):This machine is a complicated/weird-looking~.这机器是个复杂/样子怪诞的东西。The new boat was not a very large~.那艘新船不是个庞然大物。Her hat was a wonderful~.她的帽子很不错。

(5)私通(sexual relationship between people not married to each other)[C]:The~between the two movie stars caused a scandal.那两个影星之间的私通引起了一起丑闻。They had a short love~.他们有过短期的私通。have an~with sb 与……私通;find out about sb's~with his secretary 发现某人与秘书私通





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