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单词 advise
advise/ əd′vɑɪz/ v [-d,-d /d/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

(1)忠(劝)告,建议(give advice to a person on what to do or how to behave)[II+prep(against/on),T+nT+n+prep(against/on),T+that(should),T+-ingT+whT+wh-infD+n+thatD+n+whD+n+wh-infC+n+to-inf]:I'll do as you ~.我将照你的建议去做。What would you~? 你有什么忠告?~secrecy/a change of air/an early start 建议保密/换换空气/早动身;There was no one to~her.没有人来给她以忠告。Be~d by me! 听我的话!(strongly)~sb against marrying in haste/(doing) it(极力)劝告某人不要草率结婚/做这事;~sb on technical matters/economic affairs/matters of religious policy/interior decoration就技术问题/经济事务/宗教政策/室内装修提出建议;I'm the best person to~you on the choice of a career.我是帮你参谋选择职业的最佳人选。~sb in the matter of the investment of the trust funds 在信托基金投资事务上给某人出主意;~(sb) that sb (should) go at once/sb (should)start early建议某人马上走/早动身;“Leave it alone for a time,” he~d.“暂时别管它,”他建议道。~buying the house/taking a different approach 建议买那房子/采取不同的办法;Please~(me) which is the best/whether I should accept the offer.请给(我)出出主意哪个最好/我要不要接受这个好意。~(sb)how to avoid this disease/what to do next(给某人)出主意如何避免这种病/下一步怎么办;(strongly)~sb to buy the house/to consider his decision(极力)劝某人买那房子/斟酌一下他的决定;You are~d not to do it.你最好不要做这事。You would be well~d not to say anything.你什么也不说是最明智的。〖同〗counsel,suggest;

(2)(商业上等)通知(报)((esp commerce)give information or notice to)[T+nT+n+prep(of),D+n+thatD+n+wh](fml):~sb of one's expected time of arrival/the dispatch of the goods通知某人自己希望的到货时间/货物的发运情况;We write to~you of the dispatch of the goods/the ship's arrival.我们写信通知您,货已发出/船已到港。~sb that one is coming/the roads are too icy for the trip 通知某人说自己就要到达/道路太滑对这次旅行不利;Further to your inquiry,we would~you that the cheque is in the post.作为对你的查询的进一步答复,该支票已汇出,特此通知。~sb when the goods are dispatched/when the bags should arrive 通知某人货物何时发运/包何时到达;〖同〗inform,report,tell;

← ad′vice n;

→ ad′visedly adv 深思熟虑地;ad′visable adj 合理的,可行的;inad′visable adj 不合理的,不可行的;͵ill-ad′vised adj 不明智的;͵well-ad′vised adj 明智的;ad′visory adj 咨询的;ad′viser,-or n 顾问;

【注意】advice/ ǝd′vaɪs/ n和advise/ ǝd′vaɪz/ v在拼写上和读音上皆不同,不要弄错。

【用法】第(2)义属于商业行话,日常中应避免使用,最好用notifyinform tell





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