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单词 again
again/ ə′ɡen, -′ɡeɪn/ adv [无comp

(1)又,再,再次(once more;another time):Try/Say that/Never do that~.再试一下/再说一遍/决不要再干那事了! Good-bye and come~soon.再见,希望早日再来! He never saw her~.他再也没见过她。A~I decided to consult him.我再一次决定请教他。repeat~and~(over and over~/time and (time)~) 一再地重复;once/yet~再一次;all over~重新;(every) now and~不时地;

(2)又,重又(新)(back to or in the original placeconditionpositionetc):be/get well~恢复健康;be oneself/one's old self~恢复了原来的样子;be/go/come/get back(home)~回(家)来(去)了;get sth~收回某物;put sth back~把某物放回原处;be silent~又安静了;

(3)再说(者),而且,还有(furthermore;besides):But then~,it's not easy for him.而且这对他也不容易。You can't go swimming because it's cold,and then~you have work to do.你不能去游泳,因为天冷,再者,你有工作要做。Then~,perhaps she does want to go.再说,也许她确实想去。She might go and(there/then)~she might not.她也许会去,可也许不会去。It's not an arts subject.But then~it's not really a science subject.这不是个艺术题目,也不是一个科学方面的题目。

(4)双倍(重)(in addition):as much~as I have 我的两倍那么多;He earns twice/half as much~as she does.他赚的钱是她的三倍/一倍半那么多。He sold all his fruit in an hour and could have sold three times as much~if he had had it.他一个小时就卖掉了所有的水果,如果有,他本可以卖掉四倍这么多。





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