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单词 为民请命

为民请命wèi mín qǐng mìng

ask for a mandate on behalf of the people; plead for the people; plead in the name of the people; speak out for the people
❍ 蒋校长,你应当~,你应当帮助学生的正义行动,你不该为了自己的饭碗给当局拍马屁! (杨沫《青春之歌》 603)President Jiang! Ask for the mandate of the people!You ought to help the students’ just action,and not make up to the authorities for the sake of your rice bowl!/这是~,……(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》99)He is asking for a mandate on behalf of the people;…/西乡为百姓请命,则天下风走而响应矣,孰敢不听!(《史记·淮阴侯列传》) Then you could gratify the desires of the people by facing the powers of the west and demanding that they spare the lives of the masses.The whole world will respond to your call and hasten to you as though upon the wind. Who would dare to turn a deaf ear?/我们自古以来,就有埋头苦干的人,有拼命硬干的人,有~的人,有舍身求法的人,…… (《鲁迅选集》Ⅳ—97) Since ancient times we have had men who worked doggedly in silence,men who worked stubbornly at the risk of their lives,who strove to save others,who braved death to seek the truth.

为民请命wei min qing ming

plead in the name of the people


plead in the name of the people;pose as a spokesman of the people

为民请命wèi mín qǐnɡ mìnɡ

请命:请求保全生命。替平民百姓请求解除痛苦,保全生命。plead for the people, plead in the name of the people





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