单词 | silence |
释义 | silence/′saɪlǝns/ n;vt [-d,-d/t/;-e\ing/ ɪ ŋ/] n (1)安(寂)静,无声(lack or absence of any sound;quietness or stillness)[U]:S~,please! 请安静! love the~of the country/the night 喜爱乡村/夜晚的宁静;A scream broke/shattered the~of the woods. 一声尖叫打破了树林的寂静。The whole house was blanketed in~. 整所房子陷入一片寂静。〖同〗quiet,quietness,stillness,noiselessness,soundlessness;〖反〗sound,noise,roar; (2)沉(缄)默,不说话(not saying anything)[U]:S~was the young man's key to success. 缄默是那个年轻人成功的关键。His~indicates (implies) disapproval/consent. 他的沉默表示(暗示)不同意/同意。 Your~on recent events surprises me. 你对最近一系列事件的沉默使我感到惊奇。guess the import of one's friend's long~猜测朋友长时间缄默的含义;S~means/gives consent. 沉默就是同意。S~is golden. (prov) 沉默是金。Her forceful arguments reduced her opponents to~. 她有力的论据使得她的对手们全都安静了下来。buy sb's~收买某人让其保持沉默;〖同〗speechlessness,muteness,dumbness;〖反〗speech,talking,talkativeness; (3)沉默的一段时间(period of time marked by this)[C]:A sudden~followed his remark. 他发言后突然陷入沉默。During the meeting there were many~s.会议期间有多次冷场。A new~came between them. 他们之间出现了新的沉默。There is a strange~before a storm. 暴风雨之前有一段不寻常的沉静。an embarrassed~尴尬的沉默;a long unexplained~长时间莫明其妙的沉默;observe a one-minute~in memory of the war dead 为战争中的死难者举行一分钟的默哀; in silence 沉默地,无声地:They walked on in~. 他们一言不发地走着。 v(1)使安静(沉默)(make silent or bring to silence;quiet)[T+n]:~the noisy children/a crying baby 使吵闹的孩子/啼哭的婴儿安静下来;~sb with a gesture 打手势示意某人安静;The arrival of the teacher~d the class. 教师的到来使班上静了下来。 The enemy's guns were~d by repeated bombings. 敌人的炮火被轮番轰炸打哑了。〖同〗still,quiet,quieten,calm,dumb;〖反〗arouse,stir up; (2)制止,压制(force to stop the expression of)[T+n]:measures to~the press 压制新闻界的措施;~one's opponents/the critics of the government 使对手/批评政府的人无话可说;〖同〗stop,halt,quiet,still;〖反〗encourage,support,aid,help; ←′silent adj; →′silencer n 消音器 |
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