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单词 shot
shot/ ⨜ɒt, AmE ⨜ɑ:t/ n

(1)射击(声)(discharge of a weapon)[C]:[N (at)]: a charge of~射击; take/fire a~at sb/sth 向某人/某物放一枪;be wounded by a~in the arm 胳膊上中了一枪而受伤;Two of her~s hit the centre of the target. 她有两枪打中靶心。His remark was meant as a~at me.(fig) 他的话是冲着我来的。The~s quickly drew the police. 枪声很快吸引来了警察。hear~s in the distance 听到远处的枪声; 〖同〗gunfire,report,discharge;

(2)射手(one who shoots in a particular way)[C]:a first-class/good/crack/poor~一流/好/出色/差劲的射手; an excellent~with the rifle and the bow 既会使枪又会使弓箭的好射手;〖同〗shooter,rifleman,archer;

(3)发射(launch of a space rocket or missile)[C]: the second space~this year 今年的第二次空间发射; a moon~登月发射;

(4)击(投,踢)球(stroke in the ball games)[C]: a backhand~反手抽球;a penalty~罚球; Good~! 好球! have/take a~at goal(足球)射门; His~went to the left of the goal. 他的球踢到了球门的左侧。Try to hit the green with your first~. 你第一次击球要尽力去击那个绿色的。play a~击一次球;〖同〗stroke,throw,hit;

(5)铅球,炮弹,石弹(metal or stone balls)[CU]: The cannon was out of~. 大炮没有炮弹了。 pull/put/throw the~推铅球;〖同〗ammunition,bullets,balls,shell;

(6)景,照片(photographed scene or picture)[C]: fashion~s 时装照片; a~of a person making a speech 一个演讲人的镜头; a long~远镜头; get~s of sb/sth 为某人/某物拍照;The film also contained some~s of the university.这部影片还有一些这所大学的镜头。an action~连续镜头; 〖同〗photo,film;

(7)试图,设法(attempt to do sth)[C][N(at)]: have a~at (solving) this problem 设法解决这一问题; take (make) a~at the answer/the question 设法(试图)找出答案/回答这个问题; a few~s at guessing 猜了几次; have a~at sth 试一试某事;〖同〗attempt,try,guess,conjecture;

(8)注射(injection of medicine)[C](infml):A~of penicillin should cure the infection. 注射一针盘尼西林可以治愈炎症。The doctor gave her a~of Librium. 医生给她打了一针利眠宁。have a typhus~打伤寒防疫针;〖同〗injection,dose;

(9)少量(烈性酒)(small quantity of alcoholic drink)[C](infml):a~of vodka/whiskey/oxygen 一点伏特加/威士忌/氧气; to pay one's~付酒账;

like a shot 1)毫不犹豫地(infml):If I had such a chance, I'd take it like a~. 我要是有机会,就毫不犹豫地接受它。2)飞快地(infml): The dog was after the rabbit like a~. 那只狗飞快地跑去追赶兔子。

a shot in the arm 兴奋剂(infml): A big sale would be a~in the arm for this failing company. 一宗大买卖对于这个不景气的公司来说如同注射了一针兴奋剂。

→′shotgun n 猎枪;′shot-put n 推(掷)铅球





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