cartn. 1.❶farm-cart used for carrying away the corn afterharvest(收获时装载谷物的)农事用车。 ❷cart used for thepublic exposure and punishment of prostitutes (载着妓女游街示众所用的)车。 △As.3.2.114(107):“They thatreap must sheaf and bind,/Then to cart with Rosa-lind.”收割的粮食必须一束一束捆得紧,装车时可不能忘记捎上罗萨琳。(按:Touchstone这话表层意思说的是农家收割,同时也双关着第二种意思开玩笑。) 2. i.e. hangman’s cart proceeding to the gallows,tumbrel大车,(指)刑车,死囚押送车。 △1H.Ⅳ.2.4.553(496):“If I become not a cart as well as another man,a plague on my bringing up!”要是我坐在刑车上不像任何别人那样神气,就让我的教养遭瘟去吧! cart draws the horse,the: i.e.there is something ob- viously wrong or preposterous. 车子拉马,(意谓)事情明显荒谬或颠倒。 △Lr.1.4.246 (223): “May not an ass(i.e. a fool) know when the cart draws the horse?” i.e. when a daughter gives instructions to her royalfather instead of her father his daughter. 车子拉起马来了,一头蠢驴能看不出吗?
cartvt. carry through the streets as a public exposure把…装上大车游街示众。 △Shr.1.1.55: “To cart herrather.”倒不如把她装在大车上游游街。 cart[kɑ:t]n. 大车,手推车 v. 载运,运输 ◇ in the cart 处于困境 put the cart before the horse 本末倒置 ‖ cartage n. 货车运货,货车运货费 cartage contractor 陆运承包商 cartage department 搬运处 cartage note 运费单,搬运许可证 cartage order (local transport)短途货运单 cartage port 驳船港 cartage service 搬运业务,陆运服务 cartage undertaking 搬运业 carter n. 赶大车者 |