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单词 brother
释义 brother /'brAda(r); 'brAd/ n 1 son of the same parents as another person: 兄弟: my elder/younger ~; 我的哥哥 (弟弟); the ~s Smith, the Smith ~s; 史密斯见勒 K; Smith Brothers or (comm style) Smith Bros. 史密斯兄弟商店 (商业型式作 Smith Bros)。 '~in-law /'brAdar in 1h; 'brAdann/b/ n (pl ~s-in-law) ~ of one's husband or wife; husband of one-s sister. 夫或妻的兄弟; 大伯; 小叔; 内兄; 内弟; 姐夫; 妹夫。 2 person united to others by membership of the same group, society, profession, etc; fellow member of a socialist organization, trade union, etc: 同道; 同人; 同行; 同业; 社会主义组织之一员; 同志; 公会会员 (等) : (esp attrib) (尤作形容用法)。 ~ doctor; 加入公会的医生; ~s in arms, soldiers who are serving or have served together; (正在服役或已遗役的) 军中同志; 袍泽; ~ officers, in the same regiment. 同僚军官。 3 (pl brethren) /'bredran; 'brednn/ fellow member of a religious society. 同敎会的敎友。 B ~,form of address: 称呼形式: B~ Luke. 路克弟兄。 '~hood /-hud; -7hud/ n 1 [U] feeling of ~ for ~. 手足之情; 同胞之爱。 2 [C] (members of an) association of men with common interests and aims, esp a religious society or socialist organization. 以共同兴趣及目的而组成的团体 (尤指宗敎性或社会主义者); 同志会; 同道会; 全体同道。 ~ly adj of or like a ~ ('s): 兄弟的; 如兄弟的; 情同手足的: ~ly affection. 手足之情。




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