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单词 silent
silent/′saɪlǝnt/ adj

(1)寂(安)静的,无声的(making no or little sound;quiet;still):a~night/corner of the room 寂静的夜/房间里安静的角落;a~volcano 休眠火山;The room was~. 房间里很安静。The crowd fell~at the news that the Prime Minister was dead. 听到首相去世的消息,人群立刻安静下来。 The cat moved on~feet. 猫悄然无声地走动。the~films 无声电影;walk with~footsteps 悄然无声地走路;〖同〗soundless,noiseless,quiet,stillness;〖反〗noisy,stirring;

(2)不出声的,小声的(not expressed aloud):a~prayer 默祷;~curse/laughter 不出声的骂/笑;~reading 默读;

(3)沉默的(not speaking):remain/keep respectfully~恭敬地保持沉默;a~admission of guilt 默认有罪;She was~for a while,and drove without speaking. 她沉默了一会儿,然后一声不吭地开车走了。He stood with his head bent,~.他低头站着,一声不响。

(4)不表态的,没(不)谈及……的(omitting or refusing mention of sth;making no spoken or written comments):History is~about/upon this person. 历史上对此人没有记载。He was~about his early life. 他对自己早年的生活闭口不谈。His statement was~on that point/the subject. 他在声明中对那一点讳莫如深/避而不谈那个题目。A~partner has no share in managing a business. 不表态的合伙人没有管理企业的份儿。the~majority 不能够或不愿意公开表达自己观点的多数人;

(5)沉默寡言的(saying little):a~child 一个沉默寡言的孩子;Bill is the strong,~type. 比尔是个坚毅而沉默寡言的人。

(6)不发音的((of a letter in a word) not pronounced)[无comp]:The “b” in “debt” is~. Debt 中的字母b不发音。

→′silently adv 静静(默默)地;沉静地;′silence n 安静;沉默;

【辨异】silent calmquiet still2的区别见CALM。





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