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单词 名落孙山

名落孙山míng luò Sūn Shān

fall behind Sun Shan(who was last on the list of successful candidates) —fail in a competitive examination; get plucked in a examimation; fail in a competition
❍ 那位秀才第三次~后就疯了。When that scholar failed in the imperial examination for the third time,he went mad.
❍ 那个学校在中央电视台举办的智力竞赛中~。That school failed in the intelligence competition sponsored by CCTV.

名落孙山ming luo sun shan

fall behind Sun Shan—fail in a competitive examination

名落孙山mínɡ luò sūn shān

指榜上无名,考试没有通过而落选。fail in a competitive exam, get plucked in an exam, be nowhere, fail in official examinations





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