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单词 shower
shower/′⨜aʊ ǝ(r)/ n v [-ing/rɪ ŋ/]

n (1)阵雨(雪等),一阵喷洒的水(short fall of rain or snowetc; sudden sprinkle of water)[C]:Scattered~s are expected this afternoon. 今天下午可能有零星小雨。a week of scattered~s 下了一周的零星小雨;be caught in a hard/heavy~赶上一阵暴/大雨; Snow~s are predicted. 预报有阵雪。a~of spray 一阵喷雾;〖同〗sprinkle,drizzle,downpour;

(2)大量(great deal of things coming together)[C]:a~of stones/sparks/bullets/arrows/dust/ash/tears 一阵乱石/火花/弹雨/乱箭/灰尘/灰烬/泪水; a~of acorns/falling leaves 橡树果/树叶纷纷落下; A~of contributions reached to the Red Cross. 大批的捐献物品抵达红十字会。a~of wealth 大宗财产; a~of insults/blessings/praise/criticism/questions 一连串的辱骂/祝福/赞扬/批评/问题; a~of letters/cards/presents 大批的信件/明信片/礼物;〖同〗fall,rain,flood;

(3)淋浴(wash in such a condition)[C]:take/have a~淋浴; a~cap 淋浴帽;

(4)淋浴设备(室)(apparatus or space for giving such a bath)[C]: I'm in the~. 我在淋浴室呢。have a~fitted in the bathroom 浴室里装有一套淋浴设备; Our~has a tiled floor. 我们的淋浴室铺了瓷砖地面。

(5)礼物赠送会(party given to bestow presents)[C](AmE): The neighbours had a~for the girl. 邻居们为那个女孩举行了一次礼品赠送会。a~party 送礼会; a kitchen/linen~厨房用品/亚麻织物赠送会; an engagement~订婚礼品赠送会;a baby~婴儿礼品赠送会;

(6)一群懒或脏的人(group of lazy or dirty people)[C] (尤 BrE): Now listen,your~of idiots! 听着,你们这群白痴!You're a real~and get your haircut. 你们真是邋遢透顶,快把头发剪掉。

v(1)阵雨般地降落(fall in abundance)[I+prep (on),I+adv (down),I+p+(down)+prep (on)]:Dust~ed (down) on us from above. 尘土阵雨般地落在我们身上。The withered leaves came~ing down. 枯萎的树叶纷纷落下。Nuts~ed down when the tree was shaken. 一摇树干,坚果便阵雨般地落了下来。Sincere wishes~ed (down) on the new graduates.大家纷纷向新毕业生表示衷心的祝愿。

(2)使……大量抛弃或给予某人(scatter sth on sb or give sth to sb in large quality)[T+n+prep(with/on/upon)]:~dust/stones/leaflets on sb 把大量的灰尘/石块/传单撒向某人;~benefits/gifts/kindness/affection/blessings upon (on) sb 给予某人大量的恩惠/礼物/仁慈/爱/祝福;Honours were~ed upon the football players. 荣誉纷纷落在这些足球运动员的头上。They~ed confetti on the bride and bridegroom/the bride and bridegroom with confetti. 他们向新娘和新郎撒彩色纸屑。We were~ed with invitations. 大批邀请信雪片儿似的向我们飞来。The first winner was~ed with praise. 第一名获奖者备受人们赞赏。The wave~ed spray over us. 浪头迎面打来,把我们溅得浑身是水。〖同〗bestow,rain,pour,deluge;

(3)淋浴(have a quick bath)[I]:He~ed quickly before he got dressed. 他很快地冲了一个澡后穿上衣服。〖同〗bath;

(4)下阵雨(rain in showers)[I]:It started to~. 开始下起了雨。 〖同〗sprinkle,wet,rain,drizzle;

【辨异】动词showerspray的区别在于shower通常指某物无意中被意外地洒上水、 灰尘等,如:Dust~ed (down) on us from above.(尘土阵雨般落在我们身上。)而spray是指用某些制剂来喷洒在某物之上以完全覆盖住某物。如:They sprayed the old car with new paint.(他们把旧车喷上一遍新漆。)





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