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单词 shrink
shrink/ ⨜rɪ ŋk/ v shrank/ ⨜ræ ŋk/or shrunk / ⨜rʌ ŋk/,shrunk/ ⨜rʌ ŋk/];n

v (1)(使)收缩,减少((cause to)become smaller or less)[IT+n]:Will this sweater/woollen cloth~when washed? 这件毛衣/这种毛织物洗后缩水吗?Meat~s by losing some of its fat in cooking. 肉在烹制过程中因损失脂肪而收缩。Unseasoned wood is apt to~. 未经风干的木材会收缩。My shirt shrank in the wash. 我的衬衫洗后缩水了。Her savings quickly shrank. 她的存款急剧减少。The streams have shrunk from the drought. 溪流因干旱而水量减少。Computers have recently shrunk in size. 计算机的体积近来变小了。Car sales/Retail businesses have been~ing recently. 汽车的销量/零售生意近来一直在下降。The natural resources are~ing. 自然资源在减少。Hot water~s wool/my pullover. 羊毛/我的套头毛衣遇热水后收缩了。 Do they~the material before they make it up into cloth? 这种材料在织成布之前做过缩水处理吗?The soap won't~woollen goods. 这种肥皂不会使毛织品收缩。〖同〗lessen,reduce;〖反〗stretch,swell;

(2)退缩,胆怯,畏缩(move or draw back in fear)[I+prep]:The shy man shrank at the thought of being called on to speak. 那个腼腆的人一想到被点名发言便胆怯了。The dog shrank into a corner. 那只狗退缩到角落里。a~ing violet (fig) 胆小(或怕羞)的人;〖同〗withdraw,retire,retreat;

shrink (away/back) from sth/sb 退(畏)缩: He shrank back from the heat of the fire. 他在烈火面前退缩了。That shy girl shrank away from (meeting) strangers. 那个腼腆的女孩怕(见)生人。

shrink from(doing)sth 不愿做某事:I shrank from telling him the terrible news. 我不愿告诉他那个可怕的消息。He~s from hurting animals. 他很怕伤害了动物。~from making such a sacrifice 对做出如此的牺牲犹豫不决;

n精神病学家(psychiatrist)[C](AmE,sl):He often visits the~at the health centre. 他经常去保健中心看精神病学家。

【辨异】shrink decreasereducediminish 的区别见DECREASE。





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