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单词 show
show/ ⨜ ǝ ʊ, AmE ⨜oʊ/ n v [-ed/d/,shown/ ⨜ ǝ ʊn, AmE ⨜oʊn/or -ed/d/]

n (1)演出,表演(entertainment or perform-ance or a radio or TV program)[C]: watch a TV/quiz~观看电视/智力竞赛节目;a comedy~on radio 收音机里播出的喜剧节目; go and see a~去看演出;~business 演艺业;
 (2)展览,展览会(exhibition or display)[C]:a sidewalk art~路边的艺术展览;a travel-ing~流动展览会; a flower/horse/cattle/motor/picture/dog/fashion~花卉/马/牛/汽车/图片/狗/时装展;
 (3)表面上做出的样子,外观(outward appearance or expression)[Ua~]:His headache was just a~to avoid going to work. 他的头疼病只是为逃避上班而装出来的。put on a~of wealth/looking interested 装出富有/感兴趣的样子; make a~of interest/defiance/strength/friendship/sympathy 做出有兴趣/蔑视/强大/友好/同情的样子; do sth with a~of amusement 假装快活地做某事; His sadness is nothing but~. 他的悲痛只不过是做个样子而已。 not even the~of affection between them 他们之间连一点友好的样子也没有; make a sorry~做出沉痛的样子;〖同〗pretence,pose,illusion;
 (4)炫耀,夸示(splendid or pompous display)[U]:be fond of~喜欢炫耀;a fine~of blossom on the trees this year 今年这些树上鲜花盛开; There is not much~of apples in this orchard. 这个苹果园的苹果长势不好。all the glitter and~of the circus 马戏团的一切诱人和炫目之处;
 (5)表现(performance or complement)[C,通常sing](BrE,infml): Many hands went up in a~of support. 很多手伸出来表示支持。put up a good/poor~表现良好/不佳;His face gave no~of fear. 他的脸上没有显出畏惧。〖同〗demonstration,exhibition,expression;
 (6)事情,事业,(undertaking or business or organization)[C](infml): run the whole~开展全部业务; Sorry! This is not my~. 抱歉!这不是我负责的事。get this~moving/on the road 开始干; The present government is rather a poor/dull~. 本届政府一事无成/政绩平平。
 for show 为了给人看而不是为了使用:These regulations are just for~. 这些规章制度仅仅是为了装门面而已。
 Good show! 好极了!(用于表示赞成或祝贺某事干得好)(BrE,infml)):You passed your exams? Good~! 你考试及格了? 好极了!
 on show 在展览中,陈列着:The photographs are on~at the Museum until October. 这些照片要在博物馆展览到10月份。
 a show of hands 举手表决(赞成或反对某事):The decision was made by a~of hands. 这个决定是举手通过的。
 give the show away 泄露,暴露: She tried to hide but gave the~away by giggling noisily. 她极力想藏起来,但咯咯的笑声暴露了自己。
 →′showy adj 夸示的;炫耀的;′showily adv 夸示(炫耀)地;′showiness n 夸示,炫耀;′showbiz n 演艺业;′show-case n 陈列橱;(试片)影戏院;′show-down n 最后的较量;′showgirl n 歌舞女演员;′show-jumping n 骑马跳越障碍运动;′showman n 演出主持人;出风头的人物;′showmanship n 引人注意的技巧;′show-piece n供展出的样品;′show-place n 吸引人的地方;′showroom n 商品陈列室;
 v(1)让看;显(展)示(cause to be seen;display)[T+nC+n+adjD+n+nD+n+prep (to),C+n+ing]:~the contents of one's pockets/one's feeling/sb's new dress 展示自己口袋内的东西/自己的感情/某人的新衣服;His work is just~ing signs of improvement. 他的工作开始显示出改进的迹象 。S~your tongue to the doctor. 把你的舌头伸出来让医生看看。~one's passport/ticket at the Customs 在海关出示自己的护照/票; The photo~ed the baby laughing/crying. 照片上的这个小孩正在笑/哭。The painting~s four athletes bathing. 这幅画表现四名运动员正在沐浴。〖同〗reveal,disclose,exhibit,display;
 (2)使看见,显露(allow to be seen)[T+nT+thatT+wh]:This light-coloured dress will~dirt. 这件浅颜色的衣服显脏。a dress~ing the petticoat 一件显现出衬裙的连衣裙; My working jacket is~ing signs of wear. 我的工作服已经显得旧了。 She never~s what she thinks. 她从不暴露她的想法。
 (3)看得见,显现出;可察觉出(be visible or noticeable;come into view)[II+prepI+adv]:Your underskirt is~ing. 你的衬裙看得见。The tear in your dress hardly~s. 你衣服上的撕裂处几乎看不出来。The edge of the moon is just~ing. 月亮刚刚露出点边儿来。The stitching is so fine that it doesn't~at all. 针脚这么细,一点儿也看不出来。There was a faint light~ing through the gap in the curtain. 微弱的光从窗帘的空隙透露出来。His fright~ed in his eyes. 他眼里露出惊恐的神情。His happiness~ed in his smile. 他的微笑洋溢着快乐。White~s up well against blue. 白色让蓝色衬映得很醒目。His T-shirt is very thin so that his vest~ed through.他的T恤衫很薄,连背心都能看到。
 (4)指示(出),告知(indicate or point out)[T+n passD+n+nD+n+whD+n+wh-inf]:The thermometer~ed 10 below zero. 温度计显示为零下10度。The clock~s one o'clock sharp. 时钟的针正好指向1点。 These figures~an 8% increase in exports. 这些数字表明出口增长8%。Prices began to~some signs of decline in 1974. 1974年物价开始显示出下降的迹象。The sketch~s a lot of talent. 这幅素描显示出很高的天赋。S~me the one you want/the man who did it. 告诉我你想要的那个/做那事的人。He~ed me the road to take. 他指给我要走的路。I~ed him what I meant/how this lock works/where my leg hurt. 我告诉了他我的意思/这把锁如何使用/我的腿伤哪儿了。She~ed me where to park the car/how to do it. 她告知我在哪里停放汽车/如何去做。
 (5)出现(席)(appear or be present)[IT+n(oneself) 无pass]:He didn't~again. 他没有再次出现。Come out from there and~yourself. 你从那儿出来露个面。His sadness/annoyance didn't~itself in his face. 他的脸上没有露出痛苦/烦恼的表情。He rarely~s himself in public/at parties. 他很少在公众场合/聚会上露面。Did the sun~itself that day? 那天太阳出来了吗?
 (6)给,施予(give or grant)[T+nD+n+nD+n+prep]:~sb great understanding 对某人非常理解;~kindness/pity/mercy to the oppressed 对受压迫的人们充满热心/同情/慈悲;~respect towards sb 向某人表示敬意; The judge~ed leniency to the prisoner. 法官对囚犯给予宽大。〖同〗grant,give;
 (7)表现出(prove (oneself) to be)[T+nC+n+adjC+n+n pass]:~no signs of intelligence/interests 表现出一点也不聪明/没兴趣; The boy~ed himself very brave in danger. 这个男孩在危急时刻表现得非常勇敢。The boss~ed himself unable to cope with the staff. 这位老板表现出没有能力管理工作人员。~oneself (to be) an honest person/a brave soldier 表明自己是个诚实的人/勇敢的战士; He~ed himsell a brave soldier in battle. 他在战斗中表现很勇敢。
 (8)说(证,表)明(make clear to sb by words or action;prove or demonstrate)[T+nT+thatT+whT+n+to-infD+n+nD+n+prep(to),D+n+thatD+n+wh]:The incident~ed the stupidity of his attitude. 这个事件证明他的态度是愚蠢的。Is there any way of~ing the relationship between these two facts? 有什么方法能证明两个事实之间的关系吗?His speech~ed (us) that he didn't understand it. 他的谈话证明他对此一窍不通。 The postmortem~s that death was due to natural cause. 尸检表明死者为正常死亡。The test will~how much each student knows. 考试将显示出每位学生掌握多少知识。a fine piece of work that~s what is possible in the subject 一件能说明主题的上好作品;His smiling face~s how happy he is. 他的表情说明他有多么高兴。The teacher~ed the pupils her methods of analysis/her methods of analysis to the pupils. 教师向学生说明她自己的分析方法。The student~ed the teacher that he was right. 这个学生向老师证明他是对的。Father~ed me when he would be back. 父亲对我说明他何时回来。
 (9)引领,指引(direct or lead sb to a specific place)[T+n+prepT+n+adj]:I was shown into a large apartment. 我被领进一间大公寓套房。May I~you to your seat? 我可以领您去座位吗?S~the guest into the study. 把客人领到书房。~the way to the station 指引去车站的路;~the way out 引领出去的路;~sb in/round 领某人进来/各处走走;〖同〗direct,lead,guide,usher,conduct;
 (10)证明有能力(作为)(prove or illustrate one's capacity)[T+n,无pass](infml):You don't think I can do it, but I'll~you. 你认为我不能干,但我要向你证明我能。
 show sb the door 下逐客令: Since he was not welcomed, he was~n the door. 由于他不受欢迎,结果被轰了出去。
 show one's face 露面:The suspect dared not~his face in public. 嫌疑犯不敢在公共场合露面。
 show one's hand/cards 表明意图或计划:I suspect they're planning something but they haven't~n their hand yet. 我怀疑他们在策划什么事情,但是他们还没有露出端倪。
 show a leg 起床(infml,joc): It's already 9 o'clock,but the children haven't~n a leg yet. 已经9点了,但是孩子们还没有起床。
 show one's teeth 吓唬某人: Don't~your teeth and I'm not afraid of you. 别跟我瞪眼睛,我不怕你。
 show (sb) the way 成为某人的榜样:Let's hope her bravery will~the way for other young people. 我们希望她的勇敢能成为其他年轻人的榜样。
 show willing 表示愿意做某事:Just to~willing, you'd better go. 你最好去一趟,以表诚意。
 (have) something/nothingetc to show for sth 在某事上有/没有成就: I have something/nothing to~for my hard work. 我努力工作有/没有成就。
 show off (v adv) 炫耀(vi)(infml,常derog):Kids often~off on the diving board. 孩子们常在跳水板上炫耀自己。
 show up (v adv) 1)到来,出现(vi)(infml): I waited for him a long time,but he never~ed up. 我等了他很长时间,但他一直没露面。2)(使)显现(vi & vt):This kind of light really~s up the places where I've mended this coat. 这种灯光把衣服上我补过的地方非常清楚地显现出来。3)使某人羞于与之为伍 (vt)(infml): Mary was so neat that she really~ed me up. 玛丽楚楚动人,她真让我感到自惭形秽。 4)暴露出(vt):His deeds~ed him up as/to be a dishonest man. 他的行为暴露出他是一个不诚实的人。
 →′showing n 演出,表演;′show-off n 卖弄;
 【辨异】show display的区别见 DISPLAY。





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