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单词 百感交集

百感交集百端交集bǎi gǎn jiāo jí

a host of mixed feelings overcome sb; a multitude of feelings surge up; a mixture of feelings crowd upon one’s mind; be moved (/overwhelmed) by a mixture of feelings; be overcome with grief; have mixed (/mingled) feelings; one’s mind is in a turmoil; one’s mind is filled with a myriad of thoughts and feelings;run the gamut of emotions; trains of thoughts come crowding in upon sb; with a multitude of feelings surging (/welling) up all at once
❍ 见此茫茫,不觉百端交集。(刘义庆《世说新语·言语》) As I view this desolate expanse of water,somehow without my being aware of it a hundred thoughts come crowding together.
❍ 在舟中见山水依然,良友永逝,~,挥笔画成,情分景触,笔墨之痕俱化。(姚雪垠《李自成》Ⅱ—722) He was so overcome with grief at seeing the village without his old friend that he made the painting in the boat to express his feelings.
❍ 一时~,更念及当时的同志,遂作此篇,用表吾意所向,兼示诸友。(《周恩来青年时代诗选·生别死离》44)For a while,trains of thoughts and memories of the comrades in the struggle come crowding in upon me. This poem,prompted by the occasion,is an expression of my resolve and its sharing with friends.

百感交集bǎi ɡǎn jiāo jí

各种感情交织在一块。all sorts of feelings well up in one’s heart, be moved by a mixture of feelings, a mixture of feelings crowd upon one’s mind





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更新时间:2025/3/4 2:14:34