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单词 signal
signal/′sɪɡnǝl/ nv [-ll-;AmE -l-]

n (1)信(暗)号(sign (eg a movement of the handa lighta sound),esp one arranged beforehandgiving a commandwarning or other messages)[C]:smoke~s 烟雾信号;a danger~危险信号;A red light/lamp/flag is often used as a~for (of) danger. 红灯/灯/旗常被用作危险的信号。 give the~to attack/advance 发出进攻/前进的信号;make a~with a red light 用红灯发出信号;raise one's hand as a~for the game to begin 举手示意比赛开始;〖同〗sign,indication;

(2)信号机(器,物)(machinedevice or objectetc used for this purpose)[C]:a railway~铁路信号灯;traffic~s 交通信号灯;a~device 信号机;

(3)触发……的行动和事件(action or events that causes sth else to happen)[C][N (for)]:Her arrival was the~for the party to begin. 她的到达意味着宴会即将开始。 The strike was the~for revolt. 罢工是叛乱的导火线。

(4)(无线电等)信号(messagesound received or sent by a radio setetc)[C]:pick up a radio~from the missing boat 捕捉到失踪船只的无线电信号;receive a~from a satellite 接收到卫星讯号;an area with a(n) poor/excellent TV~电视信号不良/极佳的地区;

v(1)发(打)信号(make a signal or signals)[II+prep (to) (for)]:Joan was~ling wildly. 琼在使劲地打着信号。 He was~ling urgently to me. 他在急切地向我打手势。 The ship~led for a pilot. 那条船发信号要求派引水员去。He~led to his soldiers for the attack to begin. 他向士兵们发出开始进攻的信号。

(2)用信号示意(警告)(make known of warn with or as if with signals)[T+nT+n+prep (to),T+thatT+wh-infD+n+prep (for/to),D+n+thatD+to+n+thatD+n+whD+to+n+whC+n+to-infD+prep (to)+to-inf]: The bugler~led a retreat. 号兵吹号通知撤退。The sergeant~led an order.中士打手势发出命令。Both sides have~led their willingness to start negotiations. (fig)双方都表示出开始谈判的意愿。~a message to sb 向某人发消息;~(to sb) that one is about to turn left(向某人)发信号示意要左转弯;~(sb) which way Mary is going to 用信号告知(某人)玛丽要走哪条路;We~led a passing ship for help. 我们向一艘驶过的船发出了求救信号。The thief~led (his friend) that a policeman was coming. 那小偷(向他的同伙)示意警察来了。 The conductor~led the orchestra to rise.指挥示意乐队起立。The office~led his men to advance. 军官示意士兵们前进。〖同〗motion,gesture;

(3)标志着,表明(be a sign of)[T+n]:A period~s the end of a sentence. 句号表示一个句子的结束。

→′signaler n 信号员(兵);′signalman n 信号员(兵);′signal-box n 信号所(塔)





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