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单词 sight
sight/saɪt/ nv [-ed,-ed/ ɪd/]

n (1)视力(觉)(power of seeing;the faculty of vision)[U]:have good/poor/short/near~视力好/视力差/近视/近视;have a keen sense of~具有敏锐的视觉;lose one's~失明;He got good~for a man of his age. 就他的年龄讲,他的视力很好。Her~is failing. 她的视力正在减退。have one's~tested 检查视力;〖同〗eyesight,vision;〖反〗blindness;
 (2)看(瞥)见(act of seeing)[Ua~][N(of)]:The~of Hans irritated her. 一看到汉斯就使她愤怒。The~of land thrilled the sailors. 看到了陆地,船员们激动不已。laugh at the~of sb's strange clothes 看到某人穿着奇装异服而发笑;wait for a~of the king 等着看一眼国王;be hidden from~behind trees 藏在树后面不让别人看见;Out of sightout of mind.(prov) 眼不见,心不想。〖同〗seeing,vision,viewing,glimpse,view;
 (3)视野(域),眼界(range of what can be seen; field of vision)[U]:I watched him until he disappeared from~in the distance. 我一直目送着他从视线中消失。 The boat was within/out of~of land. 从船上能看见/看不见陆地。The plane is still in~. 还看得见那架飞机。Peace/The end of our trouble is now in~.(fig)和平即将到来/我们的麻烦就要结束了。At last the boat came into~and we saw that it was flying a French flag. 我们终于看清了那艘船,船上飘着法国国旗。The plane came into~out of the clouds. 那架飞机穿出云层,飞进视野。Never let him out of your~for a moment. 一刻也不要让他离开你的视线。Get out of my~!滚(走)开!〖同〗eyespot,view;
 (4)情景,景象,奇观(sth that is (to be) seenor worth seeing)[C]:a sad/beautiful/amazing~悲惨/美丽/奇异的景象;a painful,almost horrible~一种痛苦的,几乎是可怕的景象;the~s which impressed sb the most 给某人留下最深印象的情景;The roses are a lovely~. 那些玫瑰花真是让人赏心悦目。〖同〗view,display,exhibit,scene;
 (5)名胜,胜地,景色(buildingsplacesetc worth seeing)[pl]:take one's visitors to see the~s of Rome/London 带领参观者游览罗马/伦敦的名胜;Niagara Falls is one of the~s in the world. 尼亚加拉大瀑布是世界名胜之一。
 (6)滑稽可笑的人(物)(thing or person that is unusualridiculousshockingetc)[Ua~](infml):Jennie is a~in that ugly dress. 珍妮穿着那身难看的衣服很滑稽。The room was/looked a~after the party. 聚会之后,房间简直不像样子了。
 (7)瞄准(观测)器(具)(device to guide the eye in taking aim or observing sth)[C,通常pl]:the~s on a rifle 步枪上的瞄准器;have sth in one's~瞄准了某物;take a careful~before firing 在射击前仔细瞄准;
 a sight of sth 许多,大量(infml):Jerry saved a~of money. 杰瑞存了一大笔钱。
 a sight of sore eyes 极受欢迎的人(物)(infml):You are a~of sore eyes—where have you been these days? 总算又见到你了——你这些日子哪儿去了?
 at first sight 乍一看,一见之下(立即):I recognise him at first~. 我一眼就认出了他。
 at/on sight 一见到(就):The sentry had orders to shoot at/on~. 哨兵奉命见人就开枪。Can you play music at~? 你能一看谱就演奏吗?
 heave in sight 进入视野,出现:A ship hove in~just above the distant horizon. 在远处地平线上出现了一艘船。
 in the sight of sb/in sb's sight 依某人的看法(fml):Dolls are precious in a little girl's~. 在小姑娘的眼中布娃娃是珍贵的。
 keep sight of sb/sthkeep sb/sth in sight 1)一直盯着:He kept~of her as she walked along the street. 当她沿着那条街走时,他一直监视着她。 2)知道,记住:You must keep~of our original intention. 你必须记住我们最初的目的。
 lose sight of sb/sth 1)看不见:I lost~of Mary in the crowd. 在人群中我找不见玛丽了。2)忽略:John was so interested in the game he lost~of the time. 约翰看比赛太专心,忘记了时间。
 lower/raise one's sights 降低/提高目标(标准):They had to lower their~s and buy a cheaper car. 他们不得不降低标准,买了一辆较便宜的汽车。
 set one's sights on sth 下决心达(做)到:Once he has set his~s on winning,there's no stopping him. 一旦他下决心获胜,就没有什么能阻挡他。
 sight unseen 事先未经查验:I signed for the goods~unseen because I could not open them just then. 我未经查验就签收了货物,因为当时我无法打开货物。
 →′sighted adj 有视力的;-′sighted (构成合成词)有某种视力的;′sightless adj 无视力的;′sight-read v 不事先演练地看谱演奏(唱);′sight-reading n 见谱即奏(唱);′sightsee v 观光;游览;′sightseeing n 观光;游览;′sightseer n 观光者;游客;
 v(1)看到,瞧见(manage to get a view of)[T+n]:The captain~ed a ship on the horizon. 船长看见地平线上有一条船。~land/coast 看到陆地/海岸;After hiking for hours,we finally~ed a clearing in the forest. 步行数小时后,我们终于在林中发现了一块空地。
 (2)观测(look in a certain direction)[I+prep(along)]:~along the edge to see if it is straight 沿着边缘观测看是否直;
 →′sighting n看见;瞄准





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