单词 | side |
释义 | side/saɪd/ n; vi [-d,-d/ ɪd/] n (1)边,(侧)面(one of the surfaces of sth,but not the top,bottom,front or back)[C]:the~s of the house 房子的侧面;the six~s of a cube 立方体的六面;There is a label on the~of the box. 箱子的侧面有个标签。 a~door/entrance/post 侧门/边门/边柱; (2)边缘(界)(edge or boundary of sth)[C]:along the~of the lawn/the road 沿着草坪/路的边;by the~of the bed/the table 在床/桌边上;the north (east)~of the field/the town 场地/镇子的北(东)边;There was a garden on the opposite~of the street. 街对面有个花园。A square has four equal~s. 正方形四边相等。〖同〗bound,edge,brim; (3)(纸,布,金属等两面的)一面(either surface of a piece of paper,cloth,metal,etc)[C]:the right~of the cloth 布的正面;the rough/smooth~of the leather 皮革粗糙/光滑的一面;Write on both~s of the paper. 在纸的两面写字。There is a head on one~of the coin. 硬币的一面有头像。〖同〗surface; (4)(由真实或想象中的中心或中心线隔开的)面,半,边,侧(either of the two parts or halves of sth divided by a real or imaginary centre or central line)[C]:the right~of the brain/the face 大脑的右半部/右半边脸;the left~of the theatre 剧场的左边;the other~of the room 房间的另一半;the western~of the town 该镇的西区; (5)(由界线分开的)边,部分(either of the two areas,etc divided by a line,etc)[C]:stand on the other~of the fence 站在篱笆的另一侧;Don't walk in the middle of the road;keep to the~! 别在路中间走,要靠边走! Cars drive on the left~of the road in Britain. 在英国,汽车是靠左行驶的。 (6)人体的侧面,肋;(动物的)半边躯体,肋肉(part of the body that is on the left or right half,esp the part that is between the armpit and the hip of a person or the front leg and the back leg of an animal)[C]:have a pain/be wounded in one's left~左肋疼痛/受伤;lie on one's~侧卧;My~is sore. 我的肋部疼痛。a~of beef 牛的肋肉;buy a whole~of lamb 买一整扇羊肉; (7)身边(旁)(place or region directly next to sb)[C]:walk (sit) at/by sb's~走(坐)在某人的身边;On Jennie's right~stood Mary. 珍妮的右侧站着玛丽。She never left my~when I was ill. 我生病时她从未离开过我的身边。 (8)方面 (distinct aspect or quality of sth) [C]:a~of sb's character 某人性格的一面;the spiritual~of love 爱的精神方面;look at all/both~s of the problem 看此问题的各/两方面;stress the positive~of the government's record 强调政府成绩积极的一面;argue one's~of the case 陈述自己对此事的立场;〖同〗stand,attitude,part,aspect; (9)(冲突,辩论,竞赛等的)一派(方)(either of the two parties holding a position in a dispute,contest,war,etc or group opposing another)[C]:the two~s in the strike 罢工双方;I am on your~in this issue. 在这个问题上,我站在你一边。 Whose~are you on—hers or his? 你站在哪一边——她这边还是他这边? Which~will win the election? 哪一方将在选举中获胜? the winning~获胜的一方; (10)(一派(方)的)立场,观点(position or opinion held in an argument;attitude of a person or group opposing another)[C]:sb's~of the argument 某人对这个论点的态度;hear sb's~of it 听听某人对此问题的看法;keep one's~of the agreement 遵守协议所规定的己方的责任; (11)(运动)队(sports team)[C](BrE):our football~我们的足球队;the winning/losing~胜/败方;pick~s 双方各自挑选队员;Neither~scored in the game. 比赛中双方都未得分。 〖同〗team,group,party; (12)家系,血统(line of descent through father or mother)[C]:the grandfather/uncle/cousin on one's mother's~外祖父/舅舅/表兄弟姐妹;take after one's father's~(of the family)长得像自己的父亲;be English on one's father's~父系是英格兰血统;〖同〗strain,stock,bloodline; (13)电视频道(television channel)[C](BrE,infml)(旧用法):This programme's pretty boring; switch over to the other~. 这节目太没劲了,换到另一个频道上去。 get on the right/wrong side of sb 使高兴/不高兴:The director is an awkward man and difficult to deal with,so be careful not to get on the wrong~of him. 主任是个难以相处的人,所以要特别当心别使他不高兴。 let the side down 不给同事提供帮助而使其失望(infml):You can always rely on Tom;he'd never let the~down. 你可以永远信赖汤姆,因为他从不让人失望。 on/from all sides;on/from every side 在(从)各方面,到处:They were trapped—with enemies on all~s. 他们陷入了困境,四面都是敌人。 side by side 1)肩并肩地,紧挨着:The restaurants are~by~. 餐馆一家挨一家。2)相互支持:Let's stand~by~in the dispute. 在这场争论中我们要相互支持。 take sb on (to) one side 把某人拉到一边(以便私下交谈):Try to find a chance to take the director on one~after the meeting,and discover his real opinion. 会后找个机会和主任私下谈谈,以了解他真正的主张。 take sides 支持一方,袒护:Switzerland refused to take~s in the two World Wars. 瑞士在两次世界大战中均保持中立。 vi 支持,站在……一边(take a side in a dispute, fight,quarrel,etc)[I+prep(with)(against)]:Don't~with him against us! 别跟他结伙来反对我们! →′sided(构成合成词)有……边(面)的;′sideboard n 餐具柜;′sideboards,(AmE)′sideburns n 鬓角;′side-car n(摩托车的)跨斗;′side-dish n 配(小)菜;′side-drum n 小鼓;′side-effect n 副作用;′side-issue n 次要问题;′sidelight n 侧光(灯);间接说明;′sidelong adj & adv 侧面的(地);′side-road n 叉(小)路;′side-show n 穿插表演,杂耍;附带事件;′side-splitting adj 令人捧腹大笑;′side-step n 侧(横)步;v 横跨一步(以避免打击);′side-street n 小巷;′side-stroke n 侧泳;′sidewalk n 人行道;′sideways adj & adv 斜着的(地);侧面对着的(地) |
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