amityn,friendship. friendliness. friendly relationship友谊,友好,友好关系。 △Ham.5.2.42: “And stand acomma 'tween their amities.” 连接两国的友好邦交。 △Mid. 4.1.93 (87):“Now thou and I are new in am-ity.”现在你和我又和好如初。 △Mer.3.2.30: “Theremay as well be amity and life/ Tween snow and fire,as treason and my love.”雪与火之间若能融洽相处,奸谋与我的爱情也就可以同时并存了。 △Mer.3.4.3: “godlikeamity,”神圣的友谊。 △Lr.1.2.163(145):“dissolutionsof ancient amities,”多年友谊的中断。 △3H.VI.3.3.53:“And then to crave a league of amity,”其次请求缔结一项友好盟约。 △H.VIII.1.1.180:“His fears were thatthe interview betwixt/England and France mightthrough their amity/Breed him some prejudice;”他担心的是,英国国王与法国国王的会盟并结为友好关系.会给他造成什么损害。 amity[ˈæməti]n.友好,和气 ◇ in amity with与…和睦相处 |