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单词 experiment
experiment/ ɪk′sperɪmǝnt/ n;vi [-ed,-ed / ɪd/]

n 实(试)验 (testing in order to observe or study the result and gain new knowledge) [CU]:an~with new teaching methods 新教学法的试验;conduct (perform/make) an~in the laboratory/in traffic control/on animals 在实验室里做实验/做交通管理实验/在动物身上进行实验;carry out an~to investigate the behaviour of metals when heated 进行一次实验来研究金属在受热的情况下所发生的变化; As an~he substituted gas with solar energy. 他实验用太阳能来替代汽油。knowledge based on~s 基于实验获得的知识;try to find out sth/to make discoveries/to prove (test out) new theories/to learn by~通过实验了解某事物/发现事物/证实(验证)新理论/学会;〖同〗 test,trial,research,investigation,examination,analysis,experimentation;

vi 进行(做)实验(试验) (try to find out sth by conducting tests or trials) [II+prep(on/upon/with)]:~on (upon) animals/with various materials (new methods of teaching)/in painting 用动物做实验/实验各种材料(新的教学方法)/进行绘画实验; He~ed (with dyes) until he got the colour he wanted. 他对各种染料进行实验,最终得到了所需要的颜色。〖同〗test,explore,research,investigate,analyze;

→ex͵peri′mental adj 实(试)验性(上)的;ex͵peri′mentalism n 实(经)验主义;ex͵peri′mentalist n 实(经)验主义者;ex͵peri′mentally adv 实(试)验性地;ex′peri͵menter n 实(试)验者;

【辨异】experimenttrialtest均指证明某物品质及价值的过程。trial 的目的是经过试验发现某物的性能、效果等,如:Give the plane a trial. (对那架飞机进行试飞。)test指对某物进行彻底的试验以检验其是否符合标准,如:The latest model of Ford cars have passed all tests.(最新型的福特牌汽车通过了所有测试。)experiment 则指发现某种未知之物或对某种已得出的结论进行检验的实验,如:Science tests out theories by experiment. (科学通过实验来验证理论。)





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