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单词 exclude
exclude/ ɪk′sklu:d/ vt [-d,-d / ɪd/; -eing / ɪ ŋ/]

(1) 不让进来(prevent or keep from entering a place) [T+nT+n+prep(from)]:Curtains~light. 窗帘可以遮光。~immigrants from a country 不允许移民进入一个国家;〖同〗prohibit,forbid,refuse;〖反〗admit;

(2) 排除在外,不包括在内 (stop sb from joiningtaking part in sth) [T+nT+n+prep (from)]:~a person from a job/from a meeting 不给某人工作/不让某人参加会议; Children are~d from membership/from becoming full members/from a club. 不让儿童获得成员资格/成为正式成员/加入俱乐部。 There are fifty people in the room,~ing the chairman. 不包括主席在内,屋子里共有50人。 〖同〗 bar,reject,prohibit,forbid,refuse,remove; 〖反〗 invite,welcome,admit,include,accept;

(3) 排出 (shut out;keep out)[T+n]:Fill the bottle to the top so as to~all air. 将瓶子装满以便把所有的空气都排出去。All air must be ~d from the bottle. 必须将瓶子里的所有空气都排出去。〖同〗 remove;

(4) 排斥(除)(可能性等) (leave out of consideration; omit; disregard) [T+n]:~the possibility of rain/of danger/that there's been an accident/that he is lying/that it was the boy who stole the money 排除下雨/会有危险/曾经出过事故/他在撒谎/是那个男孩子偷钱的可能性; The doctor~d food poisoning as the cause of the illness. 那位医生认为该病症不可能是由于食物中毒引起的。Perfect faith~s doubt. 绝对的信仰不允许存有任何怀疑。〖同〗omit,except;

→ ex′clusion n 排斥;ex′clusory adj 排斥的;ex′clusive adj 除外的;ex′clusively adv 除外地;






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