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单词 existence
existence/ ɪɡ′zɪstǝns/ n

(1) 存在,实在 (fact or condition of existing; being) [U]:do not believe in/doubt about the~of God 不相信/怀疑上帝的存在; ignore sb's~忽视某人的存在; the oldest building in~现存最古老的建筑; The city has been in~since 1550/for many centuries. 这座城市从1550年就有了/已存在好几个世纪了。bring/call into~使成立; 使产生; put out of~ 灭绝; 使绝迹; 〖同〗actuality,reality,presence; 〖反〗 nonexistence,nothingness;

(2) 1) 生存方式,存在状态 (way of life) [Csing]:an ordinary~平凡的生活;live an uneventful/a miserable~过平静/悲惨的生活; work for a better~为了过上更好的生活而努力; Wheels have revolutionized man's~. 车轮使人类的生存方式发生了一场革命。She was sure she had had a previous~. 她肯定自己有过前生。2) 生存;继续存在(continuance in being or life; survival) [U]:Air,water and sunlight are necessary for~. 空气、水以及阳光对于生存是必须的。The patient's very~depends on the doctor's skill. 那个病人的生命取决于医生的医术。〖同〗life,being,survival,continuance,endurance;〖反〗 death;

come into existence 开始存在; 产生: When did the earth come into~? 地球是什么时候产生的?

←ex′ist vi





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